All children love bright colors. But why? The answer found the British physiologists. Observing children under one year old, they came to the conclusion that at an early age, the cause of all is the underdevelopment of cones and wands in the eyes. Up to 4 months, children distinguish dull shades (brown, gray), and when they step over this age, they vividly react to saturated colors. Psychologists explain: schoolchildren love bright things is a banal habit. Children constantly see around themselves something new and colorful and subconsciously associate rich colors with something pleasant.

What emotions cause colors?

Red This is not always a stop sign. Often associated with movement. Buy a red cup. The child will drink from it every morning and receive a double charge of cheerfulness.A photo: frame from the cartoon "Trolls" Blue color Soothes nerves, improves mood. This is the perfect color for school uniforms and a backpack. Blue Reduces stress, adjusts to a dreamy mood. Blue can be pajamas or baby bedding. The color should help you fall asleep faster. Green Calms. Green therapy helps with emotional over-stimulation. This color can be a wall opposite the bed, and, of course, this is the color of plants that should be in the nursery.A photo: frame from the cartoon "Trolls" White Invigorates, helps to focus. No wonder this is one of the main colors of school uniforms. White shirt or blouse is not only beautiful, but also useful. YellowStimulates the vision and brain, improves mood. This color can be a t-shirt for physical education.A photo: shot from the cartoon "Trolls" Pink Removes aggressiveness and irritability, sets up a romantic mood. Any girl will be delighted with the pink dress, but school supplies in her favorite shade will bring her no less joy. Rulers, pens and even erasers will create a mood for learning and creativity. Drawing lessons will be even more fun if school accessories are made in the form of favorite cartoon characters. Pens with the image of Cinderella, such fashionable now “trollists” in the form of the fairy-tale princess Rozochka, etc.

How to enhance the effect of color therapy

Psychologists advise to consciously approach the choiceflowers surrounding the child. It is better that the walls in the room are not painted in dirty, depressive tones. Avoid black - it causes panic and unreasonable fear. Focus on clean and bright colors. And if you haven't bought everything to school yet, here's a life hack. The whole palette of cheerful colors is collected in the collection of "trollists". “Trolastic” - the name comes from a combination of two words - “troll” and “eraser” - stylish and bright figures, made in the form of characters from the popular cartoon “Trolls” from DreamWorks. You can play with them, and you can “put” on a pencil and use it as a regular eraser for its intended purpose. Trolls are now the object of desire for any young collector. And they give out these figures for purchases at Pyaterochka. When making a purchase for every 555 rubles in the check, you will receive one figure as a gift. "Trollastik" can also be purchased at the checkout of only 49 rubles. More information about the action can be found on the official website:

