Artemy, the son of the singer Valeria

Post from s (@artemynik) Mar 17 2017 at 8:20 PDT The 22-year-old son of the singer Valeria, having studied at two universities at the same time, in Switzerland and America, decided to stay abroad. In Geneva, the young man first graduated from the International School according to the IB system, which means "International Baccalaureate" - a universal course that provides preparation for admission to universities in all countries of the world. Artem received his higher education at Webster University, which, like the school, is located in Geneva. Moreover, the young man studied at two faculties at once: business and computer science. And at the same time, Artemy also entered the University of California, Berkeley to study as a sound producer. He practically did not go there, since the training is remote. After graduation, Artemy did not sit without work for a long time. This summer, he received an offer from an Arab family that owns The Hana Road Studios and hotels in Switzerland and around the world to become an employee of a record company in Montreux. Artemy's job list includes production, management and financial issues. Aug 16, 2017 at 12:16 pm PDT The singer's son did not study in vain - he even helped to record the anthem, which Valeria, together with Emin Agalarov and Ani Lorak, performed at the opening of the Zhara-2017 festival in Baku on July 27. have always been in the first place, - said in an interview with Woman's Day, while still a student, the son of a star. - Thanks to her, I have been studying at school in Switzerland for 11 years. I have 300 euros per month on my card, and some classmates have unlimited cards. But I learned how to distribute money and earn money myself. I have everything in my life that I dreamed of, even if everything did not appear at once. For nothing, mother does not welcome large purchases to children. Because of this, he and Yosei argue. He loves to pamper us, right after we met, he bought me a laptop, and four-year-old Senka - a PlayStation. Mom is against this. Good gifts - a phone, a computer, a car - are given only for birthdays or for some kind of merit. And the only thing she refused me was buying a moped: the main thing for her is our safety. Probably, it is difficult to control the child at a distance of several thousand kilometers, but the mother partially succeeds. Every day we correspond with her on the iPhone, and call each other every three days. Thanks to my mother, I fell in love with travel. I used to hate hanging around museums, but now I do it with pleasure. "

Nikita, the son of Angelica Agurbash

Jul 4 2016 at 12:22 PDT The son of Angelica Nikita entered the University of Bocconi in Milan, two years ago. "The joy and pride of my son overwhelm my heart! Nikita is a student at Bocconi University! Thank you, son. You have lived up to all my hopes. Good luck, excellent knowledge, a wonderful future! I am the happiest mom, "Angelika wrote on her page in Instagram at the time. Angelika always said that her son Nikita is a talented, talented boy, knows three foreign languages, goes in for sports and ballroom dances, so why not give him a chance to get excellent knowledge abroad? In the future, a young man dreams of becoming a lawyer or an economist.

Viola, the daughter of Valery Syutkin

Oct 26, 2017 at 8:23 PDT The daughter of the singer Valery Syutkin studies the history of art in France. The girl is studying at the University of Paris, which is one of the most prestigious in Europe. Native Viola tells that the girl has grown very talented. Viola often writes various kinds of works, poems or even full novels. "We have short semesters, new subjects appear constantly. The hardest part was to pass sci-fi literature, "Syutkin shared somehow with StarKhit. - There are a lot of scientific terms. In order to learn it all, she closed herself in the room, crammed, drank coffee and ate chocolate. "It seems that the girl already has a prosperous future, but in reality everything is completely different. For example, the star dad said that he considers his daughter very capable. But at the same time Valery Syutkin does not create for her all the necessary conditions for a carefree life. The only thing that he helps Viole, so it's that she organizes her travels around the world, so that the girl develops knowledge and imagination.

