Taking care of children, not otherwise ... State Duma deputyValentina Petrenko, it seems, took the story of the boy with the name BOCH rVF 260602 (the biological object of a human of the Voronin-Frolov family, born on June 26, 2002) too close to heart. It turns out that the child has been living without documents for 10 years - they refused to register him with the same name in the registry offices of Moscow. Valentina Alexandrovna decided to write a law to prevent parents from calling children numbers, abbreviations, and especially using words from profanity. A good thing, it would seem, is to protect the child from the wild imagination of their moms and dads. However, one little fad of the new bill went unnoticed behind the emotional discourse on names that break the fate of children: “In the case when parents do not declare the birth of a child in due time (the law gives a maximum of a month. - Approx. Woman’s day), registration of a child’s birth occurs in the manner prescribed by article 19 of the Federal Law "On Acts of Civil Status" .Open this article and read the title: "State registration of the birth of the child found (tossed)". In other words, if in a month you have not decided on the name for your baby or for some other reason did not get to the registry office and did not receive a birth certificate, it is recognized as a fake. Even if you are a single mother. Even if there is no one to leave the baby with, and it is silly to carry the little one with you. It doesn’t matter why - the main thing is that you didn’t get to the registry office in a month. And now legally your child is an orphan whose parents are unknown.Photo:Getty Images From this point on, the social welfare authorities will enter the game and take care of your child like an orphan. That is, they come up with a name and surname for him, issue a birth certificate for this data. Parents do not appear in it. You are unknown persons before the law. So his wording says. And if, for example, 33 days after the birth of a child, you still go to register it, you will not be parents, no. You will be “the persons who found the child.” And if so, you have no rights to him. And the social welfare authorities will have every right to take the child to the orphanage! Don't believe me? You can read the original bill. Yes, for comparison, let us remind you: now you will be fined for being late for registration. From one and a half to two and a half thousand rubles. If the law is adopted, you, without knowing it, without any warning, will become nothing for your baby. Legally. - The status of "foundling" means that the child does not have "parental care", that is, he is with you illegally! The guardianship authorities are engaged in the protection of such children, - says Olga Baranets, the public ombudsman for family protection in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. She also raised a fuss, noticing this "insignificant" point of the bill. She began to bombard the State Duma with complaints and telegrams, demanding the rejection of the new amendment. Of course, the removal of the child from the family is an extreme measure, which hardly anyone will go for. Still, you have to be quite a beast to take the newborn from the mother. Unless the family is completely marginal, of course, where the mother forgot about the registration of the baby for more "important" matters. But God knows how many circles of bureaucratic hell you have to go through to prove that the child is yours. Native. - On what basis can the status of "thrown" be assigned if the mother feeds and gives water to the child? - the social activist is indignant. - It will simply be an excuse to take the child away from loving parents and send him to some "rehabilitation center". They will not be able to rescue the baby from where, because in his new documents, which will be issued by the guardianship authorities, there will not be a word about the mother and father. In the meantime, the parents will sue the government agencies, the fate of the newborn will be determined by some child-loving organizations with foreign funding ... On March 7, the bill was adopted while in the first reading. Although not all MPs approved of the idea of ​​foundlings, there is little hope that the insane proposal will remain only in the archives of bills. At least Valentina Petrenko promised that by the second reading she would make the necessary corrections on this point. We will find out which ones very soon. Do you think it is necessary to tighten the law so much?

  • And really, some kind of madness. Who knows why a man was late?
  • A month is quite enough to register a baby. But the measures are still too cruel.
  • Undisciplined people just bring up. Not registered means not needed.
  • Probably, we all did not understand. Deputies cannot just prescribe such draconian measures.
  • I will leave my option in the comments.

Voted: 190 How do you think, is it necessary to tighten the law?

  • And really, some kind of madness. Who knows why the person was late. 56.8%
  • A month is quite enough to register a baby. But the measures are still too cruel. 30.0%
  • Undisciplined people just bring up. Not registered means not needed. 5.8%
  • Probably, we all did not understand. Deputies cannot just prescribe such draconian measures. 5,3%
  • I will leave my option in the comments.2,1%

Voted: 190

