Let's start with what genius is. According to Wikipedia, "genius" is the highest level of development of abilities. There were not so many such people in history and almost all of them suffered from certain diseases. For example, Kant and Newton had schizophrenia, Caesar and Napoleon had epilepsy, and the great poets Pushkin and Goethe were prone to manic-depressive states.A photo: frame from the movie "The Incredible Journey of Mr. Spivet" Among scholars, it is believed that genius is the presence of a dormant schizophrenia gene. So let's not try to give birth to a genius, but we'll think about how to help your child become smart and talented. There is an opinion that a child will be born gifted if during the time of pregnancy the mother will walk around the museums, look at the masterpieces of the painting of great artists and listen to classical music . In addition, it is recommended to calculate the birth time of the baby. According to the research, most often the smartest children are born in January, February and March. This is due to the seasonal fluctuations in testosterone levels in the woman's body. We asked about the factors that really influence the development of giftedness in the child from the medical psychologist of Elena Nikolaevna's psychotherapeutic center.
No matter how trying to give birth to future mothersgifted child, primarily genetics development is influenced by genetics, mental abilities of the parents themselves. Then follows a healthy lifestyle (not only during pregnancy, but also before its onset). A healthy diet is of great importance. Choosing certain products, you can really have a big impact on the development of the brain baby. Very useful in this regard is the fish. It is also important to take folic acid. It is important during pregnancy to be calm, to protect yourself from stress. After all, stress is a tone, and during the tone blood supply is worse. Blood is poorly transmitted to the baby's brain, accordingly, it develops poorly. A number of scientists came to the conclusion that the development of the baby will be positively influenced by the development of the mother herself during pregnancy. That is, pregnant women should preferably read more, solve logical problems, study foreign languages. Well, and, of course, do not forget about creativity. The first impressions of the child about the world around him are formed from the impressions of his mother. What she feels during pregnancy is passed on to the baby. Even in Ancient Greece, the pregnant woman was given a picture or vase depicting the perfect gods, flowers were placed in the room, she listened to melodious music. Scientists have come to the conclusion that children listening to music in the womb have a wider range of frequency perception, and this helps to form hearing and a sense of rhythm. Currently, special schools for pregnant women, centers in museums where more and more mothers come into contact with the beautiful : listen to music, paint, mold from clay, embroider, etc. Well, and, of course, do not forget about the development of the creative abilities of the child and after his birth - continue to surround him with a beautiful and more engaged with him.