the baby coughs in the morningThe child coughs in the morning: what to do? Photo: Getty

The child coughs in the morning: physiological cough

This is a normal reflex of the body, however,It is necessary to know why a child coughs in the morning. This way, you can suspect the disease in time and begin treatment. 1. Coughing sounds in the morning are often made by infants who sleep on their backs. At night, mucus forms in the baby's nose, then flows into the trachea. It comes out and the cough stops. 2. During feeding, milk often gets into the respiratory tract of an infant, which causes an unpleasant symptom. Feed the baby, lifting his head. 3. Teething in a child can be accompanied by abundant saliva secretion, which gets into the throat. They cause a cough reflex. Slightly older children sometimes practice "artificial" cough. This is done in order to attract parental attention. Physiological cough goes away on its own, without requiring any additional treatment, but the baby should still be shown to a doctor.

Pathological cough

A similar phenomenon is observed in a child ifhe has started or has problems with the respiratory system. It is necessary to understand what causes this phenomenon. 1. Often, a dry paroxysmal cough appears in a baby due to an allergy to dust or feather pillows. You need to immediately isolate him from all irritants and do a wet cleaning in the house. 2. Cough can be one of the symptoms of ARVI. In this case, the baby will have a red throat, fever and profuse nasal discharge. 3. When a baby coughs harshly without separating sputum, this sometimes indicates diseases associated with the bronchi. At night, all these phenomena intensify. In children, pneumonia often begins in this way, which is not always accompanied by a high temperature. If you find the above symptoms, first observe his condition, but then be sure to visit a pediatrician. During the appointment, tell the doctor about all this. Read also:

