1/9The guests of the evening gathered in the Kamergerka café,to sign personalized greeting cards with wishes for each child in the 44th boarding school, which is supervised by the Gosha Kutsenko Foundation "STEP TOGETHER". These #RadostiCards with wishes and a piece of their soul, the artists put into boxes with gifts for children, having previously chosen which gift would go to this or that graduate. For girls - elegant dresses from the IRADA brand and flower wreaths from the designer of exclusive hats Lilia Fisheg, for boys - gadgets from the Anselean company and pleasant surprises from StreetBall, and all the children were sent sweets from the confectionery studio of signature desserts AL HALVA, as well as sets of macarons from #CANDIAMK. In addition, the guests signed #RadostiCards for mothers of seriously ill children who spend all their time within the walls of the hospital and need words of support and admiration. These #Postcards will be put into bouquets and sent by the international flower delivery service AMF to mothers personally. After all, sometimes kind words from such close and dear people from the films can not only give a smile, but also give new strength to fight on. On this day, the photo project Project Men & Women was shown non-stop on all screens of the Kamergerka cafe. The idea of the project is to show that people with cerebral palsy are no different from other people! In the photographs, happy children play with media artists: Katie Topuria, Olesya Sudzilovskaya, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Oksana Akinshina, Mikhail Efremov, Alexey Chadov, Marat Basharov and others.
1 / 10Nina Kurpyakova: "When I decided to make this charity evening and started looking for partners for the event, I was pleasantly surprised how many people are ready to help! In practice, I was convinced how important and necessary these ideas are, because so many people are ready to do # Step Together, and my task is simply to unite them. I am grateful to the support of my friends-artists. They helped me to make the sick child feel the attention and warmth of our hearts, and also that they care about and love him! "On this evening Nina Kurpyakova's guests were Konstantin Khabensky, Irina Pegova, Ekaterina Volkova, Valdis Pelsh, Igor Vernik, Boris Grachevsky, Oleg Roy, Natalia Lesnikovskaya, Dasha and Katya Nosiki, Stanislav Bondarenko, Natalia Kosteneva, Sergei Chonishvili, Ekaterina Dygubskaya, Sergei Sysoev, Danila Yakushev, Darya Kalmykova, Ksenia Knyazeva, Liza Arzamasova, Petar Zekavitsa, Anna Peskova, Maria Lemesheva, Anatoly R denko.Mnogie did not have time to get to the cafe "Kamergerka" because of the busy schedule, but Renata Litvinova Ekaterina Guseva Elena Liadov and Vladimir Vdovichenkov signed # OtkrytkiRadosti advance. These cards will also be invested in boxes with gifts and sent to children from the 44th boarding school and their parents.