The main problems with stool during pregnancy
Pregnant women are most often concerned about three thingsmain problems: diarrhea, changes in the color of feces and constipation. All these phenomena can be associated with hormonal changes in the body or developing diseases and infections. Let's consider them in more detail.Stool during pregnancy varies depending on the term. Photo: Getty
- Liquid chair
This problem most often arises on the initialterms. It is associated with a change in the work of individual organs and systems, with toxicosis characteristic of the first trimester, with a change in diet: many future mothers want to eat something like that. It can be connected with stresses and experiences. In some cases, diarrhea indicates that an infection has entered the body, then other symptoms are added to it: nausea, vomiting, weakness, high fever. A stool during pregnancy is an alarming sign, it threatens dehydration of the body. When this symptom appears, you need to see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
- Stool color change
This is the second most common problem,which is usually not dangerous. The change in the shade of feces is associated with the peculiarities of the pregnant woman's diet. For example, black color is due to the intake of preparations containing iron, or activated carbon, which relieves the expectant mother from intestinal colic. Green color causes an abundance in nutrition of vegetables and fruits, white - a large number of dairy products. In some cases, a change in shade indicates the development of diseases. So, black color can talk about gastric bleeding, white - about problems with the liver or pancreas. In such cases the ailments manifest themselves with additional symptoms: vomiting, nausea, general weakness.
- Constipation
This is a problem characteristic of the second-thirdtrimester. It is caused by an increase in the uterus, a change in the hormonal background, insufficient fluid intake or hypodynamia. Constipation is dangerous because they can become a factor in the development of gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, or intoxication. To avoid their appearance, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits, dairy products, take care of physical activity. Frequent stools during pregnancy or constipation are an occasion to call a doctor. Changes in color or consistency of stool can indicate the development of various ailments, so it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.