Kinds of references for kindergarten
The kindergarten monitors the children's health, so before entering this institution or after a long absence, you will definitely need to provide a certificate.A pediatrician's certificate is required for kindergarten Photo: Getty Here are the main types of pediatric certificates:
- Help after the illness. It is issued only if the parents applied to the clinic during illness, and there is a corresponding entry in the card. The document fixes the fact of recovery of the baby and the absence of other contagious diseases. This document allows parents not to pay for the missed period in the garden.
- Help about the break. She does not give benefits in terms of payment in the absence of a garden. If the baby was absent for more than a month, to receive the document, you will have to pass all the basic tests.
- Help after the holidays. A preschooler is entitled to 75 days in a year of leave from the garden for no reason, if there is a statement from the parents. After such absence you need your kind of help.
- Help for transfer from one garden to another. It is issued in the clinic and is attached to all medical documents of the preschool child.
If you are unsure which type of certificate is right for you, consult with your pediatrician.
How to get a health certificate for a child
You can get the document at any placemedical and preventive institution, for example, in a children's clinic near your home. To do this, your child needs to undergo a basic medical examination, which necessarily includes a pediatrician, dermatologist and surgeon. You also need to pass a general blood test, urine and feces. To undergo the examination, provide the pediatrician with the outpatient card of the little patient. If any additional examinations are needed, he will tell you.
How much is the certificate
The document is valid for 3 months.In order for the certificate to be accepted in the kindergarten, it must contain all the necessary information. It is important for you to check this so that you do not have to return to the clinic again. The document must contain the patient's first and last name, date of birth and place of residence. It must also have all the necessary seals and stamps, signatures of all doctors. Remember that only the original certificate with "wet" seals is suitable, its photocopies will not be accepted to the kindergarten. Do not try to get a certificate in a roundabout way. Regular visits to the clinic will help prevent dangerous diseases and maintain the health of your child.