Features of the temperature regime
Such an early baby still haspoorly developed thermoregulation, so you need to constantly monitor his body temperature. When changing a child, do not rely only on your feelings, because the child perceives everything differently. Half an hour after you have dressed him, measure his body temperature. Based on this, you will understand whether the baby is dressed warmly enough.Caring for a premature baby has its own challengesFeatures Photo: Getty During the first month of life, make sure that the air temperature in the room with the baby is within 22-24°C. If the baby has problems maintaining body temperature, change his clothes and diapers as quickly as possible.
Feeding a premature newborn
It is best to feed a premature baby with breast milk.milk. However, if there is no milk, you need to choose a special baby formula for babies born prematurely. For very premature babies, even breast milk needs to be enriched. To do this, express it and mix it with special additives. In the first month, feed the baby on demand, but not less than once every 2.5 hours. Premature babies often spit up after feeding. To reduce the amount of spitting up, follow these tips:
- feed your baby at a 45° angle;
- After feeding at least 20 minutes, keep it in a column;
- between the feeds spread the crumb on the stomach.
If your child has more serious digestive problems, consult your doctor.
Hygienic procedures at home
Take your first bath in the first few days.days after returning from the maternity hospital. The air temperature in the bathroom should be 25-26 ° C, and the water temperature - 37 ° C. In the first months, use boiled water for bathing, do not add herbs to it. You can use special baby bathing products. Treat the umbilical wound 5-10 minutes after bathing. Immediately after bathing, the baby must be dried as quickly as possible. After this, he must be wrapped in a dry diaper so that he does not get too cold. Follow all the recommendations described if your newborn is not full-term. In addition, do not forget to regularly show him to the doctor and do all vaccinations according to an individually developed plan.