What is the use of capoeira for children

Kopoira is a positive kind of martial arts. In training, everyone is charged with such positive that even a duel passes with a smile. There is no place for gloominess and bad mood. The competitions take place several times, so there are no losers.capoeira for childrenCapoeira in children develops flexibility and dexterityPhoto: Getty Why it is better for a child to choose this kind of single combat:

  • Physical development. Participants do various exercises to strengthen all muscle groups, forming a correct posture. With the help of acrobatic tricks, children learn to master their body, develop plasticity, flexibility. The child becomes not only strong, but also healthy.
  • Musical development. All trainings are accompanied by instrumental music, all participants sing songs. Children develop a sense of rhythm, improve their hearing, voice.
  • Learning Portuguese. The songs sound in Portuguese, as well as the names of the movements, the score. Children already in 2-3 years of continuous training know the Portuguese at a basic level and higher.
  • Psychological development. Girls and boys become more disciplined, self-confident, are able to control themselves, are freed from fears, complexes, learn to analyze their mistakes. They learn acting skills during solo performances and participation in show programs.

Being engaged in this single combat, the child develops harmoniously.

How many years can I attend classes in capoeira

From an early age, you can startto practice in the section. Such training will benefit even the very kids, 2-3 years old. Children are recruited into groups by age: 4-6, 7-11 and adolescents 12-15. Anyone can enter this section of self-defense, regardless of physical training. During training, the vestibular apparatus is strengthened in children, they are not afraid to confront the abuser. Developed and such important qualities as self-assertion, the ability to work in a team, independently make decisions. In training, children learn martial art, learn the culture and traditions of Brazil, learn to sing and play on national instruments. Capoeira reveals the potential of each child, physically and mentally emancipating.

