Can I eat bananas during breastfeeding?

If you frequently consumed bananas before and duringpregnancy, your baby will most likely not be allergic to this fruit. However, extra precautions are never a bad idea. Before including bananas in your diet, be sure to consult your doctor.Bananas during breastfeeding of a newborn are allowed in limited quantitiesBananas when breastfeeding a newbornallowed in limited quantitiesPhoto: Getty Carefully monitor changes in your baby's health after you introduce a new product into your diet. Eating bananas during natural breastfeeding often leads to the following reactions:

  • disorders of the digestive tract in a newborn, problems with a stool: constipation or diarrhea;
  • allergies;
  • colic.

If there are no such negative manifestations, the nursing motherMom can safely afford to eat a fruit salad with banana for dessert. This fruit satisfies hunger well, maintains optimal blood sugar levels. The first 2-3 weeks after giving birth, it is recommended to eat no more than 2 bananas per week. Later, the amount of fruit can be slightly increased. Bananas are very useful during natural breastfeeding, but in limited quantities. If you want your figure to quickly return to its former shape after giving birth, you should not eat this fruit often. Bananas contain a lot of starch and carbohydrates, which can contribute to rapid weight gain. To pamper yourself with this overseas fruit without any consequences for your figure, eat it only in the first half of the day. Read more:

