Is it possible to heat breast milkIs it possible to warm breast milkPhoto: Getty Doctors have long given an affirmative answer to the question of whether it is possible to heat breast milk. This can be done without damage to the nutritional value of the product and without fear of the growth of harmful bacteria inside it. But the process of bringing breast milk to the optimum temperature requires knowledge of many nuances. Competent defrosting. So, the expressed milk (it is a question of storage times exceeding 3-4 hours) can be stored in the general compartment of the refrigerator or in the freezer. About how long it can be done, we look in the video under the review. How to warm the expressed milk, pulled from the freezer? First of all, we start defrosting. You can do this in several ways: • leave a bottle of milk for the night in the general compartment of the refrigerator; • or place the defrostable container under a stream of warm (by no means hot!) Running water for 30-40 minutes; • bring to the required temperature by defrosting at room temperature. Important: it is better to use glass bottles (they are more environmentally friendly), but special plastic bags and containers cause censure.

How to heat breast milk taken from a refrigerator

For milk stored in the refrigerator, alsothe last 2 methods are relevant, but you can attach some more methods to them. Defrosted milk is heated and so: • placed in special heaters for baby food; • Enjoy a microwave oven. However, the safest, most reliable and easiest way is to warm up breast milk under a stream of warm water, in a water bath. These time-tested methods do not destroy the structure of the product, do not lead to its damage, and the child as a result receives all the most valuable and necessary.

Memo for mom - avoid mistakes

How to heat breast milk to do everythingcorrectly? It is easy to only strictly adhere to the following rules: • Observe the ideal cleanliness of the used dishes (it is better to sterilize it before use); • Do not freeze milk again! Use heated breast milk only once; • Do not overheat, bring to a boil! • mix the contents of the bottle before feeding - it can heat up unevenly; • get rid of milk, suspicious appearance (formation of curled flakes) and smell; • Dosing the milk strictly in portions, do not mix leftovers. Having learned how to heat milk, remember all the tips given in this review, they will help you to do everything as required, bringing the maximum benefit to the child. Also interesting:

