Well, when at this time we are alone, but if the children next to us? Woman’s Day found out from psychologists whether it is possible to be in front of a child without clothes.A photo: Getty Images On the Internet, serious debates on this topic are on fire. The forums are debates supporters and opponents. Some mothers do not see anything wrong with the fact that papa washes in the shower with a daughter, while others categorically avoid their appearance with a child even in underwear. Psychologists do not consider it necessary to once again be naked with a baby, and give arguments to supporters of home nudism. Supporters: nudity is natural, because nature is laid so that a person lives without any disguise, without fur and tail, so you should not go against nature and hide your body under clothes. Psychologists: a rather dubious statement. If you follow this logic, then you do not need to hide anything that is provided by nature: you can take the child with you to the toilet and into the marital bed - this is all from nature, everything is natural. Party men: what about in African tribes all go without clothes, children they see it, and nothing terrible happens. Psychologists: but we do not live in Africa, and especially not in tribes. Let's not forget that civilized society has a different culture and tradition.Photo: Getty Images Elena Nikolaeva, medical psychologist:Elena NikolaevaWe live in a country where walking naked is not accepted,and behavior, when parents ignore clothes, enters into some contradictions with what society requires of us. Up to two years of age, it sometimes happens that a mom or dad appears naked in front of a child, for example, while changing clothes, washing together in a bath, visiting dressing rooms in pool, or the child is present when taking a shower (no one left), or just at home hot. The child reacts calmly to this, and he doesn’t have a particular interest, he doesn’t ask questions. The kid is quite neutrally interested in what parts a person consists of, first of all mom and dad. Depending on his gender, he quickly discovers the main difference between a boy and a girl. Accordingly, the parent of the opposite sex periodically appear before the baby naked possible. Because otherwise he will never know what distinguishes him from the opposite sex. At the age of 3, the child is already able to understand the simplest social norms and rules. Therefore, here parents no longer need to walk about. But you do not need to do some wild prohibition, it should look natural and for granted. If you go in your underwear around the apartment, the child needs to explain this. For example: at home it is hot, so comfortable, but it’s not customary to go on like this A photo: Getty Images There are no reliable research results that the type of naked parents somehow influences the psychosexual development of children. Scientists from different directions have come to the conclusion that human sexuality begins at the age of two or three; some suggest that it is formed in a person in the womb. In any case, the development of sexuality is influenced by the family, its values, norms and limits of what is permitted. Therefore, parents need to understand that sexuality is a natural process of the formation and development of a person and requires a normal attitude and healthy attention to itself. And the genitals are equated to those parts of the body that need to be covered without focusing on it: “In society, this is accepted.” The calmer you behave in situations when suddenly the child finds you naked, the less you deny in the child’s mind having your chest, genital differences, the more healthy, confident and calm child you will bring up. His sexuality will be healthy and will manifest itself at the age when it should appear, in a relationship with his partner, when the time comes for that.

