The benefits and harm of pomegranate during breastfeeding

The main danger of pomegranate is that it containsa lot of tannin. This is a useful substance, but its main task is to combat diarrhea. In a delicate child's body, tannin can cause the opposite effect - constipation.Is it possible for a nursing mother grenadeCan a nursing mother eat pomegranate and drink its juice? Photo:Getty Pomegranate also contains a lot of fruit acids. Pregnant women need them to increase appetite and fight toxicosis. However, they have a negative effect on tooth enamel. After pregnancy and childbirth, teeth are often weakened, so pomegranate can destroy them. Pomegranates contain amino acids and fiber, which are useful for nursing mothers. They also contain a lot of vitamins. The largest amount of vitamin C in the chemical composition, but there are also A, PP, B, E. The important microelements in the fruit include selenium, calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium and potassium.

How do you have a pomegranate if you are breastfeeding a newborn

You can eat this fruit while breastfeeding, but only if you follow certain rules:

  • Enter grenades into your diet when your child is 3 months old. In a month-old baby, it can lead to colic and constipation.
  • The maximum daily portion of this fruit is 50 g. Divide 1 fruit into 4 parts and eat a little bit every day.
  • Start adding pomegranate to your diet a little. On the first day, eat no more than 10 grains. If everything is fine, add another 10 grains on the second day and so on until you reach your daily intake.
  • Watch not only the reaction of the child, but also the reaction of your body. If the pomegranate causes you problems with stools, heartburn or tooth sensitivity, it is better to temporarily exclude it from the menu.

Choose only ripe and fresh pomegranates for yourself.

Pomegranate juice for nursing mothers

It is best to consume not the fruit itself, butfreshly squeezed juice from it. This juice can be drunk through a straw so as not to come into contact with teeth. However, remember that the juice is very concentrated, so you can drink no more than 30 ml per day. It is advisable to dilute it with boiled water in proportions of 1:1. Juice should also be introduced into the diet gradually, observing the baby's reaction. Remember that only natural juice without preservatives and sugar syrup is useful. It is not easy to find such juice on sale. Pomegranate has more benefits for a woman than harm. If you want to treat yourself to this delicious fruit, do it according to all the rules.

