Causes of baby crying
Before calming a newborn baby,check what caused his dissatisfaction. Perhaps it is time for feeding or he has not eaten enough, and he can only communicate his desire by crying. When hungry, the baby cries loudly and intensely, sometimes breathlessly. If his mother picks him up, he immediately begins to reach for the breast.To reassure the newborn,that it upsetPhoto: Getty The second common cause of a child's discomfort is discomfort. He does not like to lie in wet clothes, too cold or stuffy, hampered tight swaddling. The Kid tries to attract Mom's attention with crying crying, at times, for a short while, and then continuing shouting until he is helped. Soon, mother will learn to distinguish the needs of the baby and determine the cause of hysterics by the nature of crying. If the newborn cries plaintively, sometimes shouting, he is worried about some kind of pain. Babies often have colic or cramping in the tummy. But there are also more serious cases. One can build assumptions about this, but will determine the cause and give advice only to the pediatrician.
How to Soothe a Crying Newborn
The little man feels the absence acutelymom and sometimes cries from lack of attention. Then it is enough to take him in your arms, and he will calm down. If this does not help, try one of the following methods:
- Feed the baby or give him a pacifier. Sucking distracts and soothes the child.
- Change its position. Perhaps he is uncomfortable. Turn over the baby, placing your belly on your palm, so that the head is located on the bend of your elbow. This pose is pleasant to the kid and facilitates a status at colic.
- Rape the baby. Diapers will warm and create a sense of security. In addition, the child will not be distracted, moving hands and feet, and quickly fall asleep.
- Quietly talk to the baby or sing him a lullaby. A gentle, quiet voice, affectionate words or even booing will calm, lull, provide the child with a sense of security from the feeling that my mother is near.
- Touch the child. Mom's hands can cope with any anxiety. Stroke the baby on the tummy, swipe the arms and legs, turning it over, massage the back.
Distract your baby from crying with rattles orany objects, talk to him more. Patience, care and affection are the best cure for tantrums in babies. Do not ignore the crying of a newborn, because this is a signal of some problems. If efforts to calm the baby are not effective enough, talk to a doctor to make sure that the crying is not caused by illness. Read also: