Photo:Getty Images What are not toys for a child - so bright and colorful! Of course, we hide them on the upper shelves, but sometimes we do not have time. Researchers from the United States have found out which household chemicals are the most harmful and dangerous for children. And it turned out, the one that is the most beautiful - capsule powders in color packages.A photo: Getty Images To avoid being unsubstantiated, scientists have analyzed phone calls to toxicological centers in Virginia for two years. Experts found that 62,300 times the information about the harmful effects on children of less than six years of detergents packed into capsules or tablets was received. Specialists note that the powdered powder packed into capsules and tablets is easy to use, however highly concentrated gels for washing are more toxic. Even children sometimes perceive beautiful sachets for food, nap Imer, with the sweets ... Read also, of course, many of the children have not yet learned. So be careful and clean all household appliances away from the children's access area!

