To each according to the needs

Breastfeeding rulesPhoto:GettyImages"Feeding a baby in the first year of life is a responsible and difficult task, because it not only fills the child's body with energy, but also allows it to grow at a rapid pace. And the health of the internal organs and systems, their functions and the formation of immunity depend on how complete and high-quality the food is that the child receives. In the first year of life, the baby grows very intensively: by the 4th month, its body weight doubles, and by the year - triples. Such rapid growth and harmonious development is possible only with a sufficient supply of nutrients - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral salts."

Milk is the best food for your baby

Breastfeeding rulesPhoto: GettyImages "Only if it's Mom's milk. Due to the anatomical and physiological features of the ability to digest food in babies are severely limited. Therefore, breast milk is the best meal for a newborn. He has no analogues, it meets all the needs of the child. WHO and the Ministry of Health of Russia recommend feeding babies up to 6 months exclusively with breast milk. "Why is breast milk useful and convenient for feeding:

  • Contains all vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, carbohydrates necessary for the child. On average, 100 grams of human milk contains 70 Kcal.
  • There is water in the milk, and many pediatricians are of the opinion that the baby does not need to give water separately for drinking, because he will get it from his mother.
  • Breast milk can be given at any time of the day andnights without unnecessary movements. While the mixture needs to be cooked, heated or cooled, sterilize the bottle and the nipple. And some babies are very impatient.
  • A breastfed baby receives antimicrobial protection from the mother, increases immunity, and most often does not have allergies.
  • The body of the woman when breastfeeding is easier and faster recover after delivery.
  • At feeding at the woman the hormone oxytocin which is capable to cause feeling of pleasure, calmness is developed.
  • The baby himself “regulates the portion size” -The amount of milk produced is equal to the amount the baby drinks with a small "addition". The more often the baby is put to the breast, the more milk the mother produces.

