Admit, sadness of women who are dissatisfied with the form orthe size of their breasts, until recently, were unknown to me. All my life - a good elastic three. In the pregnancy, the troika turned into a four, and visually everything looked beautiful. I naively believed that it would continue like this, until after 10 months of breastfeeding I didn’t find two balloons in the place of the magnificent bust. Squatted. Such, you know, sometimes they are sad about the house when the holiday is over. So, mine were blown away as if the holiday ended a year ago!
To feed or not to feed - that is the question
My chest betrayed me.And this after everything we had been through together! I had no idea that breastfeeding could turn into such an aesthetic disaster. And then I remembered her. The incredible beauty Alina, with whom I shared the postpartum ward. During pregnancy – no more than 8 kilos, thick long black hair, perfect fatal arrows every morning in the maternity hospital, a shiny short dress for discharge, hugging her thin waist just 5 days after giving birth. From the first minutes, she fed her newborn baby Agata exclusively with formula. And this was a principled position. - I looked at my friends, everyone says that breastfeeding turns breasts into spaniel ears. I don’t want that, my beauty is more important to me, - she shared with me. - Besides, I’m planning to go back to work in six months at the most.A photo: Getty Images I remember that then her words horrified me. How is it - do not breastfeed if you can feed? What can be a mixture if breast milk is the best thing you can give a baby? What a fool she is, that in the first place puts such trifles as appearance! However, there are thousands of people like Alina, today, but I’m not so categorical. They prefer cesarean to natural childbirth, they say, why suffer and endure various puerperal discomforts, if everything can be done quickly, beautifully and painlessly. And from the first days they feed the children with mixtures, because breastfeeding is still a bother, pain, and in the long run a farewell to the forms. Now the mixtures are unique, they are able to provide the infant with a completely nutritious diet. The last problem is particularly acute. No wonder there is a whole week of breastfeeding, which takes place annually in 170 countries around the world from August 1 to August 7. As part of social advertising campaigns, specialists once again remind women that breast milk is the only way to provide the newborn baby with essential nutrients. No mixture will make it for you, and do not dream. During pregnancy, I didn’t even have a question before me: of course, natural childbirth and, of course, feed myself. But now, looking at my reflection in the mirror, I understand that if I had known in advance that the breast would turn into such rubbish, I would have thought well whether it was worth feeding such victims ...
there is hope
Having talked about the sore subject with myfriends, I realized that not everyone has encountered this problem. The breasts did not lose their shape in those who initially had small breasts, as well as in those who took care of them during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Experts admit that the period of pregnancy and lactation does not pass without a trace for a woman. - Normal mammary glands in young women who have not given birth have a round or dome-shaped shape. After childbirth, breastfeeding, as well as against the background of hormonal changes in the body and with age, their shape, unfortunately, changes, - says Nadezhda Rebenok, head of the mammology center. - After childbirth and during breastfeeding, flattening, sagging, asymmetry of the mammary glands may occur. But there is good news! If you follow a few simple rules, then there is a high probability that the breast will not lose its appearance. Perhaps these tips will only partially protect it from deformation, but thanks for that!Model Lara Stone poses naked after giving birth to show how her body has changed Photo: @robynlawley1
And Robyn Lawley exposed her stretch marks on her stomach andurged women not to be embarrassed by their defects Photo: @robynlawley1Physical activityTrivial push-ups will help you. It is not necessary to push up from the floor with a full load. It is quite enough to push up 10-15 times from the railing, from the sofa or from the back of a chair. Squeezing your palms also gives a good effect. Bend your arms at the elbows, palms pressed against each other at chest level - press your palms against each other with equal force. 2-3 squeezes followed by relaxation. The "Cloud" exercise will allow you to saturate your blood and muscles with oxygen. Starting position - arms to the sides, legs shoulder-width apart, back straight. Slowly take a deep breath, hold your breath for a couple of seconds and also slowly exhale. Repeat the exercise at least 10-15 times. It is better to do it outside, during a walk or on the balcony. MassageNothing has been invented yet that is more effective in combating stretch marks in the chest area (and not only the chest)! Breast massage should be done in the morning and in the evening, independently. It will not take much time, but will definitely bring benefits. So, the massage is exclusively circular, in the direction from the center of the chest to the sides and up to the neck. A soft brush and special creams, for example, with seaweed, will enhance the effect. We move in circular movements from the bottom up - from the fold under the chest to the neck and chin. One of the types of massage is hydromassage. It is enough to direct a weak stream from the shower to the décolleté area and alternate the water temperature for several minutes - from cool to warm. A contrast shower, as well as cold dousing, makes the skin more elastic and supple. It is better to carry out such manipulations after feeding. The right underwear During pregnancy and breastfeeding, I gave it up. The reason? The lingerie is not very attractive in appearance, and I am a girl and I want everything made of lace. Needless to say, it was a big mistake? My size 4 needed additional "professional" support. Only special lingerie made of natural fabrics, with wide straps, exactly matching the size could provide this. It is best to wear such a bra around the clock, starting from the third trimester. Surgical lift If the breasts are severely deformed, then, most likely, exercises and creams will not help the matter. You need "heavy artillery". And we are lucky that in our time everything is possible. You can correct the shape of the breast, add elasticity to it both with the help of banal mesotherapy and with the help of non-surgical contour plastics: biorevitalization and bioreparation. And will you breastfeed your child, knowing what it will turn into?
- Of course I will. Beauty is not the main thing.
- There is something to think about. Not yet decided.
- I will, even if later regret it.
- I will feed only the first couple of months. Then translate into a mixture.
- She's already fed up, and God bless her, with the breast - at least the baby is healthy.
- No, I will not feed. In mixtures, too, has everything you need.
- I've already fed her and now I regret it.
Voted: 805A you will breastfeed the baby, knowing what it will turn into?
- Of course I will. Beauty is not the main thing.30.8%
- There is something to think about. Not yet decided .9.7%
- I will, even if later I regret about it. 11.4%
- I will feed only the first couple of months. Then I will transfer to a mixture
- She's already fed up, and God bless her, with the breast - but the baby is healthy. 25.7%
- No, I will not feed. Blends also have everything you need. 9.9%
- Already fed and now regret. 4.0%
Voted: 805