Alyssa Milano

1 / 2Photo: Instagram: Photo: “Instagram” Star of the TV series “Charmed” signed this photo with a quote from Milan Kundera’s “Life is not Here”: “Ah, feeding! She lovingly watched the fish movements of a toothless mouth and imagined that along with milk her thoughts, fantasies and dreams poured into her son. ”

Tyla Tequila

Photo: TilaTequila.comThe MTV star in late November, who was only 9 days old at the time. “I am so happy to wake up every morning and kiss her pretty face, press her to my chest, feel her heart beating; at such moments for me in the whole world there is nothing more important. I'm just overflowing with love. "

Alanis Morissett

Photo: "Instagram" Singer in one of the interviews said: "I will breastfeed until the time comes to finish. This stage is very important for the development of the baby. ”

Gwen stephanie

Photo: Instagram: NoDoubt soloist signed this photo: “I don’t know when I will stop breastfeeding. I will continue as long as possible. ”

Olivia Wilde

A photo: Glamor Thirteenth of the Dr. House series in an interview with Glamour magazine said: “Shooting with my son Otis is fine, because without him my portrait would now be incomplete; Motherhood is now an essential part of me. Breastfeeding is so natural, it feels like I've always done this. ”

