15 months is a lot or a little? Looking for what. For happiness - a little. To part - a lot. Bailey Cooper 15 months struggled with cancer. Lymphoma was found when it was too late to do something. Metastases spread all over the body of the child. No, this does not mean that relatives and doctors did not try. We tried. But it was impossible to help the boy. 15 months to fight a deadly disease - it's a lot. 15 months to say goodbye to your dying child is unbearable. The doctors gave Bailey much less time. He had to die six months ago. But his mother, Rachel, was pregnant with a third child. And Bailey was determined to live to see the baby.Photos: facebook.com/rachel.hollyman "The doctors said that he would not last until the birth of his sister. We did not believe it, Bailey was already fading. But our boy was fighting. He instructed us to call him as soon as the baby was born, "said Lee and Rachel, the boy's parents. Christmas was approaching. Will Bailey survive until the holiday? Hardly. But his parents still asked him to write a letter to Santa. The boy wrote. Only in the list were not the gifts that he himself would have dreamed of. He asked for things that would please his younger brother, six-year-old Riley. And he himself continued to wait for the meeting with the sister. And finally the girl was born. Brother and sister met. "Bailey did everything that the elder brother had to do: he changed the diaper, washed, sang a lullaby for her," Rachel recalls.
Photo: @rachel.hollymanThe boy did everything he wanted: he survived all the doctors' prognoses, won his fight with death, saw his little sister and came up with a name for her. The girl was named Millie. And after that, Bailey began to fade away before our eyes, as if after he had achieved his goal, he no longer needed to hold on to life. "It's so unfair. I should have been in his place," the brave boy's grandmother cried. And he answered her that she couldn't be so selfish, because she had grandchildren to take care of - Riley and little Millie. Bailey even left instructions on how his funeral should be held. He wanted everyone to dress up as superheroes. He strictly forbade his parents to cry for more than 20 minutes. After all, they should be focusing on his sister and brother. On December 22, a month after Millie was born, Bailey was taken to a hospice. On Christmas Eve, everyone gathered at his bedside. The boy looked at his family's faces for the last time, sighed for the last time. "A single tear rolled out from under his eyelids. It was as if he had fallen asleep." The family tries not to cry. After all, Bailey himself asked for this.