Developing board games

Interesting board games are a great wayhave fun with your family. But for them to bring maximum pleasure, it is necessary to choose the entertainment suitable for the age of the child. Only then they will not only be a wonderful way of pastime, but also greatly improve the intelligence and memory of the baby.board games for children 5 years oldBoard games for children of 5 years develop the thinking and logic of the baby. Photo: Getty There are many similar games suitable for the baby for 5 years. The most popular of them are:

  • Once upon a time, there were. In this game, participants have to come up with fabulous stories to help the cat get to the house. Fun improves the imagination and imaginative thinking of the baby.
  • Barabashka. This fun will appeal to active children. It positively affects the reaction rate, as well as on imaginative thinking. Its meaning is that the player needs to grab the object specified in the picture as quickly as possible.
  • Funny monkeys. Here, players have to remove the sticks from the palm tree so that the monkeys hanging on the branches do not fall. The game perfectly develops mindfulness and fine motor skills.
  • Cephalods. This fun perfectly develops memory and associative thinking. And you can play it in a very large company.

Any of these games will bring a lot of fun to the kid. In addition, they will greatly influence the development and ingenuity of the child.

The best board games

Each year, there is a huge number of table games in which you can play with a child of 5 years. Especially popular among children and their parents are used such of them:

  • Alias ​​for preschoolers. This game perfectly influences the child's speech development and enriches his vocabulary.
  • Cat and mouse. Improved brodilka, developing a small motor skills for a baby.
  • Draw and guess. This game affects the artistic skills of the baby.
  • Funny farm. One of the varieties of "Monopoly".
  • My first quiz. Improves speech skills and memory.
  • Corridor. Improves intelligence and reaction speed.

Board games are a great way to spend time with a child. Thanks to these fun kids and their parents will have a lot of fun, besides, they have a great influence on the development of the child.

