Contents of the Lions

The tetra is a schooling fish native tois South America. Along its body there are vertical stripes of black body. As it grows older, the stripes become lighter and turn grey. Its life expectancy is 3-5 years.thornsiaThe tetra often jumps out of the aquarium.Photo: GettySince the fish is active, buy a 50-60 liter aquarium for its stay. It is desirable to have 10 liters of water per fish. Water temperature +22-24 C. The water should be soft and acidic. Water hardness is about 18 degrees. Replace 30% of the water with fresh water every week. If the aquarium is more than 100 liters, then change it once a month. Cover the aquarium with a lid, as the fish are active and often jump out. Place floating plants on the surface of the water. Cover the bottom of the tank with coarse sand. Create a corner with dense thickets, where the fish like to hide. However, they also need free space for swimming. The lighting should be dim. The fish are unpretentious and eat any food. They eat bloodworms and brine shrimp with pleasure. The fish reproduce when they reach 1 year. To do this, place the pair in a separate aquarium and provide the following conditions:

  • the bottom of the aquarium is covered with dark soil;
  • provide enhanced aeration;
  • increase the temperature to 28 C;
  • place the aquarium under diffused light;
  • give plenty of live food, for example, bloodworm.

Under these conditions, spawning occurs in the nearest future.3-6 days. After laying eggs, the pair is removed from the aquarium so that they do not eat their own offspring. After 2 days, larvae emerge from the eggs, which become fry in a week. Feed them with infusoria 3-4 times a day.

Compatibility of thornsia with other fish

When in a flock, they often arrangesmall squabbles between each other, but quickly calm down. It is more important to choose the right company for them with other species of aquarium inhabitants. They are a little aggressive and like to tear off wide and large fins and tails of their veil-tailed neighbors. Buy 6-8 individuals so that your new residents feel comfortable in a school of their own kind. Keep them separately or buy active and large fish: danios, cardinals, barbs, black neons. Do not put smaller fish with them, which the tetras will terrorize. Do not put cocky bettas and angelfish with them. Do not put them with very large and predatory fish: astronotus, cichlosams. They will easily get along with other neighbors. These cute and active fish will liven up any aquarium and do not require complex care. Read also:

