From day to day in the Carter family is expectedreplenishment: Beyonce is already in her last days of pregnancy. Twins are about to be born, so the pop diva will become a mother of many children in a moment. The other day, the beauty has already thrown a party in honor of the imminent birth of children - there is such a tradition in America to celebrate close childbirth. It was noisy, fun, there was a lot of music and laughter, but now it's all over. Peace, tranquility and silence reigned in the Carter estate. According to Western media, Beyoncé voiced her requirements for the staff who will be by her side during childbirth. After all, even though the singer was going to give birth at home, surrounded by loved ones and with her husband, doctors will still be present. Just in case. Its main condition is that the room must be quiet. No loud conversations and even less screaming. You don't even need to sing. “Beyoncé loves when she is surrounded by peace and tranquility,” said a source from the singer's inner circle. - She now especially does not tolerate drama and gossip. Beyoncé is generally not very willing to allow strangers into her personal life. And now she is completely closed, like an oyster, in her own cozy world. I practically plunged into contemplation while waiting for the little ones. - You can get into her personal life, but only if you are invited, - added. - Beyoncé is very private and protects her privacy with all her might. Now she prefers calm colors, soft sounds, nothing harsh and noisy. She needs the same environment during childbirth, for Beyoncé it is very important. By the way, Beyoncé will not be the first star who decided to give birth in silence. Katie Holmes, the ex-wife of Tom Cruise, also demanded silence. True, this condition was dictated by religion, to which she joined under the influence of her husband: he is a famous Scientologist. However, peace at such a crucial moment did not interfere with anyone. Any mom would probably agree with this.

