The hardest thing in this situation is the question of choice. Daddy likes Chinese action movies, mom wants to see a light melodrama, and children beg cartoons - how can you find a compromise here? Editing Woman’s Day tells how to solve a conflict of interest, and advises seven paintings (both new and time-tested) that will appeal to both children and adults.

Big / Big (1988)

what to see on holidaysA photo: still from the film Adults will be nostalgic at the sight of the young Tom Hanks playing the main role in this film. And the children will like the plot that embodies their dream: a 12-year-old boy named Josh, who dreams of growing up quickly, wakes up one morning in the body of a 30-year-old man. Josh goes to New York, gets a job there, in which he is the biggest specialist - in a toy company. And pretty soon he makes a successful career (who else, if not a 12-year-old, even if in an adult’s body, is better at understanding toys?) It seems his dream (to become an adult overnight) has come true, but why does Josh increasingly dream of returning back to "normal childhood"? And will he succeed?

We bought the zoo / We Bought a Zoo (2011)

what to see on holidaysA photo: Mie family spontaneously buys a new house, to which, in addition, an old zoo with two hundred animals goes. Thus, they save animals from death and breathe new life into an abandoned zoo. That's just the family itself needs a kind of reboot: the father (played by Matt Damon) cannot cope with the loss of his wife, the son of adolescence predictably withdraws into himself, and the little daughter becomes too emotional and acutely worried about what is happening. But by picking words and keys to each other, making efforts on themselves, they seek to overcome circumstances and find harmony.

The Boss Baby / The Boss Baby (2017)

what to see on holidaysA photo: frame from a cartoon. The appearance of a child in the family is a joy for parents and often an occasion for jealousy for older children. It begins to seem to them that parents pay all attention to the baby, and everyone has forgotten about them. It is on this popular problem that the plot of the Boss-Milk-Scavenger is based. At seven-year-old Tim appears brother, Tim begins to be jealous, but then notices that the baby is rather unusual: wears a business suit, drinks a double espresso and solves all sorts of things on the phone. Then the boy learns about the terrible operation that the Dogg Co. corporation has planned: with the help of the sweetest little dogs, to make the parents of the entire planet forget about the birth of babies. And the only one with whom Tim can unite his efforts against this danger is his brother, a businessman.

Mrs. Doubtfire / Mrs. Doubtfire (1993)

what to see on holidaysA photo: A frame from the film Robyn Williams will forever remain in our hearts. An actor who combines children's grimaces and grimaces with an extraordinary talent for reincarnation in his characters. He can laugh for a couple of seconds, but also can touch to the depths of the soul. Like in this film, in which his hero named Daniel had to change into a female housemaid and take up work in his own family. The fact is that Daniel’s wife in court forbade him from seeing the children, but for him this separation was unbearable.

Doctor Dolittle (1998)

what to see on holidaysA photo: Shot from the movie Aging classics family movie. Eddie Murphy in the role of Dr. Dolittle, who suddenly loses the gift of understanding the language of animals, is simply irresistible. He suddenly hears not looped phrases from a stupid parrot, but quite meaningful and deep speech of a living being. But in the world of people, this skill brings a lot of trouble to Dr. Doolittle, because people around you think that the scientist simply moved out of the coils. For children, there is an abundance of funny moments, and for adults it is a curious topic for thinking that we have learned to fly into space, but still often do not understand our younger brothers and do not care enough about them.

Epic / Epic (2013)

Photo: Cartoonfinder.ruThis cartoon belongs to the category of those who seem to be childish and simple, but at the same time are able to cause genuine tears in an adult man. Especially if he recognizes himself in the main character - Professor Bomba, who lives in the forest and believes in the existence of a crazy little folk there. His daughter Mary Catherine comes to visit him, who, to put it mildly, does not rejoice at her father’s quirks, but gradually she begins to realize that the father is actually right and the forest folk really exist. Moreover, he is in danger. Epic, despite its fantastic nature, turns out to be a good metaphor for the relationship between parents and children.

Book of Life / The Book of Life (2014)

A photo: a frame from the cartoon. Another beautiful cartoon from a visual point of view, which only seems to be childish, but in fact is stuffed with deep ideas, understandable to the child as well. Two Mexican gods on the Day of the Dead (this is such a national version of Halloween) are arguing: which of the two chosen earth boys will win the heart of Mary, their third girlfriend. The gods' bet is delayed for many years, each of the celestial beings wonders how to fool the opponent. In the meantime, for the time being, the guys themselves do not even suspect what kind of a dispute they are ... And all this time they have been striving hard for Mary to be in the best of ways. P.S. Movies are available for viewing in online cinemas Megogo,, Okko. tv,, in iTunes stores and Google Play, as well as IPTV Rostelecom.

