porridges for the first complementary mealPorridge for the first complementary foods are introduced into the diet for 5-6 months of life. Photo: Getty

From what age to introduce porridge for the first complementary meal

Cereals are a perfectly balanced sourcemicroelements and fiber. Cereals for the first feeding should be given to a child at the age of six months if he is breastfed, and a month earlier - if the baby is "formula-fed". During this period of life, the formation of the digestive system of children ends, and it is able to produce enzymes that help digest food other than mother's milk. This applies to children with normal physical development. Recommendations regarding the age of introducing porridge into the diet should be obtained from a pediatrician. This is especially true for children with developmental delays, a tendency to allergies and other individual characteristics.

The best porridges for the first complementary meal

Dairy-free cereals for first feeding –the best option. They need to be cooked in water. You can use expressed milk (for breastfeeding) or the mixture that the baby drinks when bottle-feeding. To prepare the first complementary food, you need to use gluten-free cereals. This is due to the fact that gluten, contained in wheat and rye, can cause allergic reactions. What is the best first porridge for feeding a baby? If you exclude all cereals (containing allergens), then you can choose the following cereals: - buckwheat - a supplier of vitamins, iron, magnesium; - rice - contains a large amount of dietary fiber; - corn - contains protein, iron and fiber. Each of the cereals should be introduced into the diet gradually: with 1 teaspoon, adding 1 teaspoon daily until a single portion reaches 150 g. After 2 weeks, this process can be repeated with the next type of cereal. It is necessary to remember that the porridge should be without sugar, salt and additives (honey, fruits, etc.). After the baby's body has adapted to the above types of cereals, you can introduce cereals containing gluten into the diet: oatmeal, barley, millet. If the introduction of complementary foods was successful, without any allergies, then you can start cooking the same cereals in cow's milk. When choosing the best porridge for the first complementary feeding, do not forget that each of them has its own unique properties. Therefore, you cannot stop at choosing just one. The baby's diet should be balanced and meet its ever-increasing needs for fiber, minerals, micro and macro elements. Read also:

