Contents of a fireball
The homeland of barbs is considered to be Southeast Asia and Africa. They reach 4-6 cm in length. Their life expectancy with proper care is 3-4 years.Fire barbs prefer elongated aquariums.Photo: GettyAn aquarium larger than 50 liters is suitable for keeping them. Choose long aquariums, as barbs love to frolic and speed up in the water. Choose dark soil and bright lighting. Provide good filtration and powerful aeration. To create a kind of underwater current, to which the fish are genetically accustomed, place a pump in the aquarium. Do not plant plants too often, as barbs need free space to play. It is better to place more plants floating on the surface. The water temperature is cool - 18-23 C. Every week, replace 30% of the water with fresh water. Start a school of 6-8 barbs at once. Choose any food: bloodworms, daphnia, tubifex worms or cyclops. The fish will happily eat dry and frozen food. Add a small amount of plant food so that the fish do not destroy the planted algae. Dandelion leaves, lettuce and spinach will do. The fish reach sexual maturity at 8-9 months. As soon as the female's belly is rounded, place her and the male in a prepared aquarium. In this case, observe the following conditions:
- pick up a shallow aquarium;
- its volume should exceed 10 liters;
- water temperature within 25-26 ° C.
Place the couple in a prepared container in the evening.Spawning occurs in the morning. After spawning, remove the parents. The eggs are very sticky and spread over glass, plants, and soil. The larvae appear in a day. On the 3rd-4th day, the fry actively swim and feed. Use infusoria, egg yolk, and then small crustaceans for this.
Compatibility of a fireball with other fish
Barbs are generally friendly fish.However, in some cases they are quarrelsome. Therefore, choose their company wisely. Do not keep them with sedentary fish. They will disturb and bully them. Barbs love to tear off the fins and tails of other fish. Do not house them with cockerels or gobies. Sometimes disagreements arise within a school of barbs. Ideal neighbors would be cardinals, catfish, which also love cool water. They get along well with other types of barbs, swordtails, danios, and tetras. Active, cheerful, and bright barbs will decorate your aquarium and will not burden you with complex care. See also: