A child sleeps only in a stroller - the pros and cons

When a newborn sleeps in a stroller, it’s convenientfor both him and his mother. The baby feels safe in a small space, and the mother does not need to run to another room to feed or rock. It is convenient when the child sleeps in the stroller during the day - you can easily move it, do housework.the child sleeps in a strollerBaby Sleeping in a Stroller - How Dangerous Is It? Photo: Getty Disadvantages of Sleeping in a Stroller:

  • Incorrect posture - the bottom in the stroller is not intended for prolonged sleep, the child should sleep only on a special children's orthopedic mattress.
  • Poor ventilation - the baby can sweat a lot, a heat stroke is possible.
  • Synthetic materials - good strollers have quality certificates, but with constant contact even with safe artificial materials, it is possible to develop allergic reactions.
  • Completely and thoroughly wash the wheelchair is difficult, but after the street on it settles a lot of microbes, which the child will breathe during sleep.
  • A good rest is the key to proper development and good health for a child. And if he feels comfortable only in a stroller, he should be weaned gradually.

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    Little children don't really like big ones.space, so they prefer to sleep in a stroller. But the child grows, the stroller becomes too small, and he still does not want to sleep in the crib. In this matter, parents should be persistent. With the right approach, it will take 2-3 weeks to develop a new habit in the child. How to teach a child to sleep in a bed:

  • Active games - when the baby is very tired, he can fall asleep anywhere. But this method is not suitable for very active, easily excitable children - they can stay awake for a long time.
  • When the baby falls asleep in the stroller, gently put it on the bed. To reduce the space, you can put a pillow under your side, a rolled blanket, a roller from the diapers.
  • To accustom to a crib gradually - let first it is played in it, it sleeps in the afternoon.
  • Very much help the beds in which there is a pendulum - motion sickness and mother's tale will help you fall asleep in a new place.
  • The child should be placed in a warm crib - warm up on the battery or with iron linen and diapers under the head.
  • Some parents, trying to wean their babysleep in a stroller, put him to sleep with you. The method is effective, convenient for the child and parents, but over time another problem will arise - how to teach the child to sleep independently. It is better to immediately accustom the baby to sleep in his own bed. When accustoming a child to something new, parents should remember - all children are different, everything has its time. When the baby becomes uncomfortable, cramped, he himself will begin to look for more comfortable places to rest. Read also:

