Remember footage of an extract from the hospital Kate Middleton,flown around the world? Prince William lays a newborn heir into a car seat, and all three go to the palace on a luxurious "Range Rover." The media asserted that people who leave the maternity hospital with a child in their arms should follow the example of the royal family. But recently, scientists at the University of Bristol have amended this statement - the trip will be safe if the way home does not exceed 30 minutes.A photo: GettyImagesThe doctors conducted a study in which they reproduced a situation when a child, who was not yet two months old, was sleeping in the car seat. It was assumed that the car is moving at low speed. It turned out that after half an hour in small passengers the amount of oxygen in the blood decreases, and the heart rate increases. This means that a long trip of a newborn in a car seat is harmful to his health, and in some cases ends in suffocation. The fact is that while the car is moving, the head of the child walks back and forth, hitting the headrest. Babies have weak neck muscles, so they lack the strength to make the head not move. Therefore, one adult should definitely sit next to the baby to control the situation and not allow breathing to stop. “If the trip cannot be avoided, then let it last no more than half an hour,” says Peter Fleming, a pediatrician at Bristol University. - And in general, try to avoid unnecessary travel with small children. If your path is too long, stop the car, take the baby in your arms and take a walk along the sidewalk. But, returning, do not forget to put the baby back in the chair - no one has canceled the safety rules. See also:

