Ksenia Sobchak is known for her love of sportsfor a long time: the editor of a fashion magazine is very serious about yoga, swimming, and after giving birth, she took up herself with a vengeance. Looking at his wife, Maxim Vitorgan also went to the gym: he lost weight and even looked younger. And now he regularly shares videos of his classes with subscribers. Well done, what can I say. Mar 6 2017 at 8:26 PST Of course, such an athletic family should have an athletic child. From the very birth, Ksenia began to temper the baby, ending each bath with a cool drench. For which Dr. Komarovsky would certainly have applauded her. And then it turned out that the three-month-old Plato also goes to the pool! Of course, he is not allowed to float freely yet. The baby is helped by mother Ksyusha, supporting her son with one hand. The happy father Maxim Vitorgan declassified the lifestyle of Plato. In general, he turned out to be more open: he was the first to hint at the name of the baby, and he showed the child almost to its full height. Almost - the face of Plato, we will never see. Dad filmed the process from under the water. Therefore, all that remains for the fans is to be touched by the baby's plump tummy and dimpled knees.Photo:@ xenia_sobchak Actually, this is what the fans are doing: the video has already gained more than 33 thousand views. In the comments, Maxim's subscribers claim that Plato is like a dad: "A copy of your heels." And, of course, they compliment the baby: “Cool bobblehead.” Well, Ksenia continues to adhere to her theory that continuously photographing and posting pictures of her child on social networks is an unworthy occupation. In Xenia's opinion, it is somehow even indecent to show off your baby among the photos of a new bag and a fashionable jacket. And then you can't even argue. Mar 13 2017 at 12:30 PDT

