on which hand the wedding ring is wornOn which hand they wear an engagement ring: traditions of different countriesPhoto: Getty There are many legends about the traditions and customs of wearing wedding ornaments on the ring finger in Russia. In one of them it is said that on this finger there is a blood vessel leading straight to the heart. In this romantic story it is said that the ring finger is the most protected from the otherworldly forces, therefore the family guard is worn exclusively on it.

Engagement ring in Russia: which hand is worn

Orthodox Russians put a ring on the righthand, and specifically on the fourth, or, as it is also called, the ring finger. Divorced spouses often wear rings on their left hand, the same is done by widowers. According to legend, on the right hand it protects the family from ailments, envious people, and strengthens spiritual strength. It is with the right hand that the Orthodox make the sign of the cross.

How to wear an engagement ring abroad

In the Roman Empire newlyweds were wearing rings onthe left hand is mainly on the middle finger, the same tradition was traced in England. Muslims acquire rings exclusively for women, men consider wearing gold jewelry on their fingers a bad omen. Gypsy customs allow you to hang a ringlet on a chain and wear it on your neck. In which hand do women wear an engagement ring? There are no special requirements for women, it is enough to observe the traditions of the society where a woman builds a family. It is believed that the wedding ring does not need to be given for fitting even to close relatives. Precious metals have a certain memory and absorb the energy of another person, which can eventually bring negative to the owner of the ring. But such traditions were not always. Some sources say that the finger, which is called the index finger, was considered ideal for wearing the treasured ringlet. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it was the woman who had long been the guardian of the family hearth and pointed out the direction of the love boat, so that she would not break about everyday life. On which finger do they wear an engagement ring if a person does not follow certain traditions? Of course, the place for the ring is chosen conventionally. There are no clear prohibitions or instructions for wearing a ring in the world. If you are more comfortable wearing it on the middle or index finger, no one will condemn. Wedding rings - this is a clear confirmation of the union of two loving people and only they decide how it will look. When acquiring a pair of elegant rings before the wedding ceremony, remember that this is just a symbol, a beautiful family attribute. The basis of each couple is sincere mutual understanding, care, respect and love. Read also:

