What are the female hormones that are taken during pregnancy planning?

If a woman fails for a long timeget pregnant in the absence of gynecological diseases, then the problem may be in the hormonal imbalance. There are a number of hormones that are responsible for successful conception, as well as carrying the baby and the birth process.what day of the cycle should I take for hormonesIt is better to consult a gynecologist,What day of a cycle to hand over a blood on hormones Photo: Getty To pregnancy proceeded safely, it is desirable to correct a hormonal background at a planning stage. The survey is important to pass to both partners. It is necessary to pass such analyzes:

  • Progesterone. It is a pregnancy hormone that prepares the uterus and creates favorable conditions for the fetus.
  • Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). It regulates the robot of the gonads, promotes the formation and maturation of the egg.
  • Luteinizing hormone (LH). He is responsible for ovulation, stimulates the development of progesterone, which is necessary for the onset of pregnancy.
  • Estradiol. Prepare the uterus for pregnancy.
  • Prolactin. When preparing for conception, its quantity is important to determine both in the blood of a woman and a man. He is responsible for ovulation.
  • Testosterone.
  • A thyroxine the general or common and free.
  • A thyroid-stimulating hormone (TTG).
  • Cortisol.
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DEA-sulfate).
  • 17-ketosteroids

An increase or decrease in the rate of one of the hormones can lead to a hormonal imbalance. For example, a decrease in the production of prolactin or LH leads to a deficiency of estradiol.

How correctly to hand over a blood on analyzes?

Unlike men, women have specific timeframes for taking hormones. The choice of period depends on the type of hormone:

  • LH, FSH, TSH, thyroxine, DEA-sulfate can be taken on the 3rd-8th or 19-21th day of the cycle;
  • Testosterone - 6-7 days;
  • progesterone - from the 20-23th.

Estradiol, prolactin can be taken at any time,regardless of the menstrual cycle. In order to obtain reliable results, a survey should be conducted according to the rules. Hormones should be given on an empty stomach in the morning. The day before, there is nothing acute and fat and not subject to heavy physical exertion. After passing the examination, it is not necessary to decipher the results on your own. Only the doctor will take into account all the nuances and correctly interpret the indicators.

