How to Properly Rock a Baby on a Fitball Before Sleeping

Motion sickness is one of the most effectiveways to put a child to sleep, but it becomes more difficult every day. The baby's weight increases and the mother is forced not only to rock the crying child, but also to carry him around the room. Sometimes the baby's crying makes the parents vigorously "shake" him, which leads to the opposite effect. To choose the right amplitude of movement and the right rhythm, do this while sitting on a large ball. It will help to correct the to disaccustom a child from motion sicknessYou can wean your baby off motion sickness at 6 months,but at 1.5 years it will be much easierPhoto: Getty The transition to independent falling asleep is stressful for the baby and he will not do it voluntarily. Be prepared for a "battle" with screams and indignation. You cannot start the transition if the baby is sick.

Stage 1 - weaning off sleeping in arms

The decision to start a child's education shouldtake mom, but do not do this before 6 months. Approach this gradually. The main thing for the baby is contact with mom, the loss of her warmth, voice and smell is stressful for him. Pleasant rocking affects the vestibular system of the baby and immerses him in sleep. Put the baby in the cradle and start rocking it. Even a small child will understand that he was deceived and will react with a cry. Do not take him out, but indicate your presence. Massage the baby's legs and arms, stroke the tummy, sing a lullaby, rock the cradle. This will help the baby fall asleep, although not as quickly as before.

Step 2 - leave the baby in the crib

Transitioning a child to fall asleep independentlyshould be done gradually, "removing" mom, but leaving the rocking. A few days after the first time the baby falls asleep in the cradle, try rocking him without touching him. He should still see and hear you. A lullaby is a good way to help the baby fall asleep. This stage should last about a week.

Stage 3 - we indicate the presence of the mother on the pillow

Next, you need to get rid of the motion sickness process.Place an item with your scent on the baby's pillowcase, such as a sweater, and turn the baby's face towards it. Sing a lullaby to him without touching the cradle. At first, you should sit next to the baby, communicating with him only with your voice. You can leave the songs for a long time, later the baby will fall asleep on his own. You need to gradually transition the baby to sleep, interrupting the training for the duration of the illness. You cannot immediately leave the baby alone in the cradle, it is too much stress for him.

