apples for the winter It is unlikely that anyone does not like to eat pies made fromapples, especially if it's winter and your body lacks vitamins, and you just want a fruity mood. Can the apple aroma of homemade baked goods compare with any store-bought confectionery based on chemical flavorings and flavor enhancers? Any housewife can please herself and her loved ones with real homemade apple pies all winter long, just by putting in some effort and time during the summer-autumn preparations. Fortunately, apples in our latitudes are not exotic and they grow in almost all gardens and household plots. Even without having your own grown fruit, the filling for pies from purchased apples will be no less tasty and healthy. It is enough to choose the most suitable recipe and get down to business.

Preparation of pieces in cans

This method of preparing apples for piesis quite simple, and the fruits are distinguished by the fact that they retain both the appearance and taste of practically fresh apples. Such a preparation is perfect for baking pies and charlottes, and you can just eat them without any baking. Almost any variety of apples will do, but sour hard varieties, such as Antonovka, are the best. Such apples will retain their shape and taste and will not boil into a puree-like state. Apples are cut into four parts. The core, stalks and wormholes, inevitable for home-made apples, are removed. Then the quarters are cut into smaller pieces of the size that is usually used for adding to baked goods. For 1 kg of such pieces, take 200 g of sugar. Apples are sprinkled with sugar and left to stand for about an hour so that the mixture releases some juice. Then everything is brought to a boil, immediately laid out in sterilized jars and rolled up with lids.making apples in cans

Billets without boiling

For this method, mainly soft andsweet summer varieties of apples. The fruits are peeled from the core and damage, and then grated on a coarse grater or ground using a food processor with a nozzle that makes large shavings. Or you can just chop them finely, but this will take much more time. The mass prepared in this way is mixed with sugar to taste so that it is not too sweet, and placed in jars, lightly tamping the apple mixture, leaving a couple of centimeters on top. Then the full jars are sterilized for half an hour and rolled up with lids. Such a winter preparation also preserves the taste and aroma of fresh apples, except that the consistency is more like puree. You can add it to pies and cakes, or simply cook a vitamin-rich aromatic apple compote from it, adding water and bringing to a boil.

Blanching apples

A very interesting way to preserve apples for future use— blanching, that is, short-term treatment with boiling water, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients than with full boiling. To do this, pre-peeled and sliced ​​apples are dipped in boiling water for about five minutes, and then cooled with cold water. Next, the pieces should be laid out in jars, pour boiling water over them and sterilize for about 15 minutes. Apples processed in this way can be stored in winter even without rolling up the lids. The main thing is in a cool place. This fruit preparation can be used in any form, it will be tasty and easy to eat, and add to various dishes. And if you add a little cinnamon to the jars beforehand, you will get a wonderful winter apple dessert with an incomparable taste and aroma.Dried apples

Puree from apple pomace

I would like to dwell on this in more detail.processing of apple pomace remaining after juice distillation. If you properly prepare apples for processing into juice in advance, you will not have to throw away the pomace, and it will be perfect for filling pies in winter. So, before distilling apples into juice in any available way, again you need to clean them from damage and core. Then at the output you will get both juice and apple puree, quite suitable for making jelly or jam. A little water is added to the pomace, and this mixture is boiled for several minutes. This is not even a full boiling, but steaming. Sugar is added at the rate of 600 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of puree. Then everything is boiled in a special container for cooking jam for about half an hour. Cool completely and the second time simply brought to a boil, immediately poured into sterilized jars. This apple mixture needs to be rolled up with lids, as it is very delicate and contains virtually no acids that protect against fermentation. It can be used in pies or as a separate dish in winter.

Various flavorings and combinations

We have already looked at the main methods preparations for use in making pies and other baked goods. Now we should dwell in more detail on various flavor combinations. For example, everyone knows that cinnamon emphasizes the aroma, softens the acidity and enhances the taste of apples. Just a little added cinnamon powder will make any apple preparation aromatic and exquisite. But even more interesting are homemade apple preparations for the winter in combination with some other berries and fruits. The classic combination is apples and chokeberry. The latter gives the final product a beautiful rich reddish hue and some tartness in taste. You can add rowan juice or just throw in a handful of fresh berries during cooking. Lingonberries are also ideal for making jam, jelly, puree and other apple winter treats. And of the fruits, pear is the best choice. Apple and pear jam with chokeberry has been considered a classic, traditional Russian dessert for hundreds of years. Based on all of the above, we can conclude that there is nothing complicated or impossible in preparing apple semi-finished products and desserts for the winter. And it takes very little time. The necessary products are so accessible and simple that it would be simply silly not to spend a little effort and preserve a few jars of the aroma and taste of sunny summer and apple autumn.

