About the fact that Anastasia, it became known a monthback. The actress is happy and soon plans a wedding with the child's father, but ... a spoonful of tar in the barrel of honey added heat, because of which the star of "Sweet Life" is not easily tolerated by pregnancy.Photo:@anastasiameskova“Phew… I didn’t think it would be so hard, of course,” Nastya shared on Instagram. “Constantly short of breath, my legs are like cotton wool, my head is spinning… I live on vegetables, fruits and lemonade. I finished filming, but I’m at my limit… Now I’m going home, lying down, lying down and lying down again.” Subscribers immediately began vying with each other to give advice on what could help Nastya: nuts, yogurt, water with lemon juice. Someone recommended spending more time near the air conditioner, while someone else recommended distracting herself with her favorite music and movies. “But then, when the baby is born, there will be so much happiness that all these problems will seem like nonsense,” Nastya’s fans reassured her. By the way, the actress recently posted a photo on Instagram in which… she’s standing on her head! It was taken during a yoga class for pregnant women. According to Nastya, she plans to make such classes regular soon. We hope they will help her regain her good health.
Photo: @anastasiameskovaRecall that the actress already has a child from a previous marriage, 10-year-old Vasily. Her fiancé, a young man named Alexander, gets along well with the boy.