Symptoms of egg allergy in a child
Reactions to egg consumption may vary.It all depends on the amount of the product and the state of the immune system. Symptoms can be: Respiratory: Itching in the mouth; Lacrimation; Itchy eyes; Rhinitis with clear discharge; Difficulty breathing, cough, shortness of breath. Symptoms reflected on the skin: Rashes; Dermatitis; Itching of the skin; Redness. Symptoms manifested in the gastrointestinal tract: Diarrhea; Nausea; Vomiting; Flatulence. Particularly dangerous are the symptoms that occur so-called "lightning fast". A complicated form of allergy - Quincke's edema, causes rapid swelling of the tongue, lips, eyelids, respiratory tract. The condition is accompanied by dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, blood pressure drops, the whole body itches, and an attack of suffocation begins. Symptoms appear immediately after swallowing the "first" piece of eggs and require immediate medical intervention.
Diagnosis of allergies
Few people know that if you are allergic to one typeproduct, the same reaction can occur to other types, that is, there is a "cross" reaction. As surprising as it may be, an allergy to chicken eggs in a child is not an obstacle to eating quail eggs. Quail eggs contain a completely different type of protein. But to determine the allergens that should not be given to the baby, special tests should be taken. To do this, notches are made on the child's skin, they are smeared with the main types of allergens on top, all samples are marked. If there is a response - the notch turns red and swells. Another testing method - blood is taken from the child, poured into test tubes and allergens are introduced for examination under a microscope.
Allergy to eggs in a child - treatment
The main thing for allergy sufferers is to give upproducts that cause a reaction. There may be a problem when using detergents, cosmetics, creams, ointments, lipstick, etc., which will also have to be abandoned. Antihistamine therapy, medications, and injections are used for treatment. Ointments and drops for allergic rhinitis are used to eliminate skin itching and redness. According to experts, allergies often occur when the body is slagged, the liver is not functioning properly. It is necessary to give up bad habits, cleanse the intestines and strengthen the immune system. You should not get carried away with products containing albumin, lecithin, emulsifiers, and dyes. Use natural products when cleaning. Also interesting: