A bright event happened in the Kerzhakov family. Alexander and Milan baptized their two-month-old son. The wife of the soccer player shared her pictures with touching photos: "We were baptized by our little son," Milan wrote in Instagram. Let's remind that Artemy Kerzhakov was born on April 10. This is the third child of Alexander, but for Milan, the baby became the first child.1 / 5Photo: @ milana_kerzhakovaPhoto: @ milana_kerzhakovaPhoto: @ milana_kerzhakovaPhoto: @ milana_kerzhakovaPhoto: @ milana_kerzhakovaCreated Artemy in the house church dedicated to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. She is in the Mariinsky Palace, where the Parliament of St. Petersburg is sitting. Milana's father Vadim Tyulpanov once worked as well. He died in April, on the eve of the birth of a grandson. On the sacrament of baptism of little Artemia were only the closest relatives and friends. For this event, Milan chose a closed beige dress on the floor. Alexander put on a white shirt and classic black trousers. The baby's father looked very happy. Gently kissed Artemy, pathetically corrected the handkerchief on his wife's head. By the way, the godfather of Kerzhakov's child became multimillionaire Alexander Roslyakov. He is the owner of Onego Shipping in St. Petersburg, which deals with sea transportation. Not so long ago, Roslyakov became the hero of the show "The Secret Millionaire" on the channel "Friday!", Where successful businessmen are tested for strength by the life of the poor. Roslyakov earned millions on logistics . It transports oil and serves Russia's gas fields. He lives in Russia, works in Bali, is friends with Sergey Shnurov and is a fan of Zenit. Here such famous and very rich godfather appeared at Artemy Kerzhakov.

