Acute laryngitis in childrenAcute laryngitis in childrenPhoto: Getty

Acute laryngitis in children: possible consequences

During his life, a person encounters manyviral diseases that lead to swelling of the larynx, but acute laryngitis in children is a special disease. It occurs as a result of banal hypothermia (the baby ate ice cream on a hot day), screaming, loud singing. Sometimes the causes are hidden deeper - measles, acute respiratory viral infections, flu. The disease should not be underestimated. Some children tolerate it easier, for others it can be fatal. Mothers need to be especially careful with infants. Acute laryngitis in very young children (up to a year) leads to swelling and inflammation, which significantly narrow the lumen of the larynx. Even making its diameter smaller by 1 mm, the disease worsens the baby's breathing by almost 70%. Important! Do not treat the child yourself, but more closely observe his cough, well-being and how he breathes.

Symptoms of acute laryngitis in children

Mothers know their babies perfectly well, so they quickly notice the slightest deviations in behavior. Special signs should alert you - acute laryngitis in children has specific symptoms:

  • Dry cough, which is called "barking". It looks like a cough that occurs when you inhale crumbs (when a man choked).
  • The temperature may not exceed 37.5 degrees (and if the cause of the disease is in the virus, then it grows to 39 and above).
  • Distressed breathing. He can be accompanied by a whistle, a sip.
  • Vocal cords often suffer, so sometimes the voice disappears.
  • It is difficult for the baby to swallow and breathe.

The main sign of impending danger isdifficulty breathing, when contractions of the intercostal muscles and in the collarbone area are noticeable when trying to inhale. If the disease manifests itself, you should urgently visit a pediatrician. If parents notice the last sign, you should immediately call an ambulance.

Treatment of acute laryngitis in children

Laryngitis requires emergency intervention,The treatment should be prescribed by a person who has taken the Hippocratic oath. Mothers will only need to be sober-minded and quick to respond. The principle of "Do no harm!" will not hurt either, so sprays and other medications that directly affect the larynx should be put away (they provoke even more swelling). While the ambulance is on its way, parents can help the baby.

  • Calm the crumb (and myself).
  • Give an alkaline drink, warm teas (with chamomile,eucalyptus). Honey, cocoa, chocolate - are contraindicated. Dilute cow milk will help if there is no allergy, with Borjomi. Give the child self-prepared alkaline water (a teaspoon of soda for 1 liter of water) 2-3 spoons at small intervals (5-10 minutes).
  • Ventilate the room, moisten it. It is necessary to take the child with him to the bathroom, to collect hot water (to steam) and to lower there a third of a pack of soda that is in the kitchen of every mistress.
  • Until the medical staff arrives, let the babyinhales. The disease is not always dangerous, but every mother does not want to risk the life of a child. It is necessary to harden the children, and during the period of development of the disease - to consult a doctor. There is too much at stake. Read also:

