Heroes of cartoons met with a bang!Photo: Archive of press-service The heroes of your favorite cartoons literally left the TV screens to give the inhabitants of Volgograd "Bright summer". Young Volgogradians and their parents took part in a large theatrical interactive show with the beloved characters of the animated series "Mi-mi-mishki", "Belka and Strelka", "Smeshariki", "Luntik and his friends", "Barboskiny". The most active participants of the competitions received prizes from the organizers.
Everyone was delighted with the cartoon characters! Photo: Press service archive
Draw children are very fond of Photo: Press service archive
It's always more fun to create togetherPhoto: Press service archive
Experiments and tricks and surprised children and vzroslyhFoto: Archives of News
Master-class on weaving braidsPhoto: Archive of press services While the children were engaged in an interactive performance, adults were able to take part in various master classes in yoga, dance, fitness and beauty, make a beautiful hairstyle and manicure. Children, too, with udovol'sstvom made fashionable patterns of braids.
Some paint with a brush, and they paint with their palmsPhoto: Press service archive
Who will get the magic ball?! Photo: Press service archive
Prizes and gifts from Telesem magazine Photo: Press service archive
On the holiday, Volgogradians came to their familiesPhoto: Press service archive
Repeat for us! Photo: Press service archive
Do you recognize? We are Barboskins Photo: Press service archive
In the sky, hundreds of balls were released. Photo: Archive press-serviceA in the finale of the presentation of the multgeroi together with the audience created a magical picture and launched into the sky hundreds of multi-colored balls. It was great, the guys and their parents received a lot of positive emotions! Let's hope, now Volgograd summer will be as bright and magical as it was on this wonderful holiday!