To bathe a newborn every dayTo bathe a newborn every day is possible starting withmonth-old agePhoto: Getty Bathing should bring positive emotions to both the baby and his parents. It is not very pleasant when a child screams frantically at an attempt to bathe him. To avoid this, you need to follow certain rules.

How to properly bathe a newborn: recommendations of pediatricians

The bath must be treated after each procedure.mild detergents and rinse with clean water. Before bathing, you need to lay out the things you will need after taking a bath on the changing table: a diaper, a vest, cream, and a diaper. Should you bathe a newborn every day? According to "grandmother's" advice, a child should be bathed every day, from the first day of discharge from the hospital. But modern pediatricians do not think so. The fact is that a newborn's umbilical wound heals within 10-14 days, into which microbes can get when in contact with water. Even boiling water cannot 100% protect an unprepared child's body from harmful microorganisms. You can bathe a baby after discharge from the hospital using a thin diaper and a small amount of water. But such a procedure can slow down the process of overgrowing the thin and delicate skin of the navel, so it is not recommended. Throughout the entire healing period of the wound, pediatricians advise treating the skin of a newborn with a damp thin diaper or napkins. If necessary, wash the baby. The newborn does not need to be bathed until the umbilical wound is completely healed, that is, until 10-15 days from the moment of birth. It is enough to wipe the baby, give him air baths and change him into clean clothes. When the wound is completely healed, you can begin water procedures. The following should not be added to the water for the first bath:

  • Manganese;
  • decoction from the collection of herbs;
  • flavored shampoos and shower gels;
  • essential oils.

These substances dry out the skin, and the smell of suchmay frighten the baby. You can add chamomile or string decoction to the water, but separately. You cannot use different decoctions each time; if you started bathing your baby with chamomile infusion, then continue to use only it. Before using herbal extracts to care for a newborn, consult a doctor. In addition to herbs, you can use neutral baby liquid soap, but not more than 2 times a week. Pediatricians advise bathing the baby 40-50 minutes after feeding or 30 minutes before eating. A sleeping and crying baby should not be subjected to water procedures, this can cause unpleasant memories associated with water. The first bath should be done in a small baby bath with a special slide. It will support the baby's back, head and free the parents' hands. The optimal water temperature is 36-37º C, duration - 10-15 minutes. Fill the bath 2/3 full. During bathing, the baby is carefully washed from top to bottom without using soap or other hygiene products. After taking a bath, the baby is wrapped in a warm diaper, and the wet areas of the skin are blotted with it. You cannot dry the baby with a towel, otherwise you can damage the thin skin. If there are flaky areas on the body, then after bathing they must be treated with a moisturizer. After all the procedures, the baby is handed over to the mother for feeding. Why bathe a newborn every day when he has reached one month of age? If you carry out this procedure every day at the same time, the baby will sleep better and eat with an appetite. And with a gradual decrease in water temperature to 28-30º C and changing the baby bath to a regular one, the baby's body will harden. It is recommended to use shampoos and gels for children under 1 year old no more than 2 times a week in spring and summer, 1 time in winter and autumn. When the baby grows up, the time for taking a bath can be increased to 30-40 minutes. Bathing is not only a hygienic procedure. It is a process that helps a child develop physically and relax. Read more:

