For countless naked, hotNatalia Ionova's photos, which she sings with an enviable regularity in the network, we somehow forgot that she is the mother of two daughters. And nothing maternal is alien to her. Therefore, this time the singer pleased the subscribers not with another nude-style shot, but with a short textbook on preparing the child for school.Photo:@chistyakova_ionova “There were a lot of questions from journalists about how we are getting Lida (the eldest daughter of the singer. - Approx. Wday) to school. I am writing here to answer all-all questions and, perhaps, be useful for the mothers who read me here, - the singer wrote on her page in one of the social networks. “We always buy all diaries, schoolbags and other office supplies in advance - even before leaving for the summer holidays.” Natalya says that they decide the issue in advance with the bouquet for the class teacher so that on the last day it will not become a problem. In addition to purchasing school supplies, the singer pays special attention to ensuring that her daughter carefully prepares for the new school year. “During the summer we read all the given literature,” the singer continues. - The mood of the child is equally important. Lidusya is on fire and is waiting to see all her friends. She is very outgoing and friendly. Even the security guard at the entrance to the school knows her and greets her by name, so on September 1, our little reactor will fly towards knowledge with the force of the wind. ”By the way, there are as many as 20 books in the list of recommended summer literature for grade 3. Among them there are many folk tales, poems by Pushkin, Lermontov and other poets, a thick volume of stories by Dragunsky, Andersen and other wonderful authors. There are even serious "Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece". And all this 9-year-old Lida mastered with the help of her mother. Ionova's post caused a lively discussion among her subscribers. Someone was glad for her and her daughter, someone lamented that his own child does not want to read anything, and he does not really want to go to school. However, most of the fans, despite the seriousness of Natalia's reasoning, began to ask her about makeup, hair and the same notorious naked photos.

