Blind, lose one's teeth - from what else nightmaresdo you wake up at night in a cold sweat? The good thing is that they all stay where they came from, in the darkness of the night. However, in reality, care will still be taken care of. At least to the oculist to look after. And the children are led to a regular examination - it's generally holy. But ... few people like to once again go to the clinic. And in the meantime the number of children who have undetected problems with eyesight is growing. What should I do? First, still go to the ophthalmologist. Children under three years old must visit the doctor at least once a year, older - every two years. And also - to observe some simple rules that will help to prevent problems with eyesight. Well, or at least in time to notice them.How to save children's eyesightPhoto: GettyImages1. Feed your eyes.Bright vegetables and fruits should be present in the menu every single day. Tomatoes, carrots, melons, grapes, berries, as well as fish, chicken eggs, whole grain products (buckwheat and oatmeal, for example), vegetable and butter - they contain nutrients that are necessary for eye health. 2. Hide from the sun. This is important, yes. It is never too early to wear sunglasses. When you are young, the lens on the front surface is very clean and easily lets through harmful solar radiation. This can provoke the early development of cataracts. 3. Do sports. Unexpectedly, right? Tennis, volleyball, basketball, badminton help to maintain vision, since a person has to watch the ball or shuttlecock all the time. Eye gymnastics. Oh, sports, you are life. 4. Keep your distance. Bury your face in front of the monitor - and let the whole world wait. No. You can't do that. The TV should be at least 4 meters away from the child, the computer – at least 30 cm. And at eye level, not under the ceiling. Otherwise, here it is, a powerful factor in the deterioration of vision. 5. Read hidden symbols. Pay attention to subtle hints that the child's eyesight is deteriorating. These can be, for example, complaints of headaches and a categorical refusal to read, write or draw. These are attempts to sit closer to the TV, and bring the book closer to the eyes. And if the child squints, looking at the screen or at a book, then this is generally the most direct signal: it's time to see an ophthalmologist. 6. Go to the cinema. Recently, the Association of Ophthalmologists found that "volumetric" movies in 3D format help determine whether the child has problems with vision. If, after putting on glasses, your child complains of a headache, dizziness, some other discomfort, starts rubbing his eyes or does not react to 3D effects at all, then go straight from the cinema to a specialist. 7. Arrange joint readings. Books with different colors, font sizes and pictures will help not only develop the child's literary vision, but also monitor the health of his eyes. Also interesting:

