What do you remember about your early childhood? About mom and dad? Some events cut deep into the memory, so that you will not erase them for years. And sometimes strange things are remembered: how the sun shines in the morning through the curtains, how does my mother's voice sound from behind the wall, like fresh smelling coffee in the kitchen in the mornings ... This can not be called events, you can not call actions. But all these general impressions are very important. They create an oasis in the memory of a child who will give strength at a difficult moment. Psychologists have compiled a list of five items that children remember about their parents and childhood for life. If you fulfill them, there is a much greater chance of growing a happy and balanced person. And you know, do not offer such complicated things.Relationship between children and parentsPhoto: GettyImages

1. Sense of security

There are many fears in the heart of every child.And along with them - an urgent need to be protected. Your kids will remember how you chased monsters from under the bed or hugged them after a nightmare. However, they will also remember those times when, in a fit of anger, you yourself turned into the monster that they feared. That is why psychologists conjure: in no case do you quarrel in front of children, do not take evil on them. They will not really understand what is happening, but they will remember your intonations and the horror they experienced. Children measure love primarily by how attentive you are to them. If you put off your business to participate in the tea ceremony or jump with them on the trampoline, then it will forever remain in their hearts. And even to be distracted for five minutes from the super important business to hug, ruffle your hair, ask (and listen!) How your baby's day went - you have no idea how valuable it is. Any 10-20 minutes of lively, warm and truly engaged communication a day can work wonders. Take time to do small things with your children, because in the end, these are the moments that mean the most in life.Relationship between children and parentsPhoto: GettyImages

3. Relationship between mom and dad

What is love, what should be the relationship infamily - this we teach our children continuously. Just by the fact of its existence, parents set the norms of interaction with the opposite sex. No wonder they say that boys are looking for wives, like their mothers, and girls are husbands like fathers. Try to make your marriage so that children, if they do not aspire to create a family, then at least they were not afraid to do it. Give them a sense of confidence, which generates a loving and strong union of the father and mother.

4. Words of approval and criticism

A child's heart is like plasticine.But over time, plasticine becomes tougher. The prints that remained on it in childhood remain on it forever, they cannot be erased. The sense of self-importance, measure of ability, belief in your talent and even self-respect will largely depend on the words that you say to them while they are still small. It is the responsibility of parents to correct children's behavior and teach them discipline, but at the same time your words should be filled with love and positive support. So, anyway, Patheos research recommends,.Relationship between children and parentsPhoto: GettyImages

5. Family traditions

Children like surprises, but they have a deepthe need for predictability. They will remember with great pleasure any traditions you have created, whether it's a weekly family trip to the cinema, hockey, a trip to the lake, a grandmother's birthday cake, a corporate salad for the holiday. Intentionally create traditions that they will want to once pass on to their children - your grandchildren.

