What happens to the child
By this time the child is already fully formed. It has all internal organs, all body systems can function normally.The 41st week of pregnancy should pass without stress and anxiety Photo: Getty However, in the woman's belly, the baby continues to grow actively. By the 41st week, its weight reaches an average of 3.5 kg, and its height is 51.7 cm.
What happens with mom
The task of a woman at 41 weeks is to do wellget enough sleep and gain strength before the birth process. It is also important to listen to the baby's movements. At this time, it is already too big to move often, but on average, you need to count 10 movements in 30 minutes. If you feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen, groin, hips, lower back, this is normal. Such pains appear because the baby has already rested his head on the pelvic floor, getting ready to come out into the world. Abdominal pains can also occur due to indigestion, which is common in pregnant women. But sharp pains are a reason to urgently see a doctor. In anticipation of childbirth, read only good books, watch good films and try to stay in a positive mood. By the 41st week, you have probably already experienced "practice" contractions. They are painless and quickly pass. But now is the time for real contractions. When they start, don't panic. Start timing, and as soon as the break between contractions is 7-10 minutes, go to the maternity hospital. It's worth going earlier only if the water has already broken.
Week 41 allocations
At this time, a woman may have different discharges:
- Greenish-yellow, cheesy or foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor is a sign of infection. At this stage of pregnancy, it is dangerous, so you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
- Clear, pinkish, yellowish or creamy discharge is a sign that the plug that closes the cervix is coming off. This means that it is no longer needed and labor will begin very soon.
- A thick lump of mucus - the plug came out all at once. After this, you need to stop any intimate relations to avoid infection.
- Bloody discharge is a dangerous signal. You need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital immediately.
- Watery discharge - the discharge of amniotic fluid. It can flow in a stream or in portions. White flakes may also be present. Another sign that labor will begin very soon.
- Amniotic fluid with a green or brown tint is a reason for an urgent visit to the hospital. In this case, meconium has entered the water and this is dangerous for the child.
Be attentive to your body!
Why birth does not begin
There is no need to panic if you have not given birth yet,normal time for childbirth is 38-42 weeks. Just relax and wait, you still have a little bit of time to walk around with a round belly. Despite this, you should definitely go to the doctor. He will confirm that the child is not in any danger. Childbirth can be delayed if the date of conception was set incorrectly. It happens that the baby is in no hurry to come out into the world without any reason. Childbirth is especially often "late" for women who give birth to their first child after 30 years.Prepare yourself in advance for what is to comehappen to you after childbirth Photo: Getty If everything is fine with the baby, but you are already very tired of pregnancy, you can bring on labor naturally, but first consult with your doctor. The easiest and most enjoyable way to do this is to have sex. You can also add a nipple massage to this. To bring on the birth date, move more, walk, climb stairs, but do not lift heavy objects. 41 weeks is a time of pleasant excitement. Any day now you will meet your baby, and your life will turn upside down.