Banal questions like "Well, what did we do today?"school? "usually leave your child completely indifferent. But since you really want to learn about his life outside the house, you can try to talk it through the following unconventional questions. We bring them to the aid of all parents of schoolchildren, and at the end - instructions for use.Photo: Getty Images1. If you could start the day from the beginning, what would you not do? 2. What would you like to forget from today? 3. If you had a camera with you, what picture would you make in school today? 4. What book is now being read by your neighbor on the desk? 5. With whom of your classmates would you like to be friends? 6. Does anyone in the class have parents who work in another city? How can such a family be helped? 7. What books are exhibited now in the book review in the school library? 8. Who suggested the most interesting game during the break? 9. Who is the best artist in your class and what did he draw interesting recently? 10. Who made you laugh today in the classroom? How?
Photo: Getty Images11. Because of whom did you feel sad today? Why? 12. Did anybody sit at dinner in the dining room alone today? What can you do if it happens again tomorrow? 13. Has anyone played today at a break one? What can you do if it happens again tomorrow? 14. If your teacher had a large amount of money for the improvement of the class, what do you think she would have spent on them? What kind of pet would you have in your class if it were allowed? Who would the best teacher be in your class? 17. Who would your worst teacher be in your class? 18. If you had to teach a lesson tomorrow, who would you take as helpers? 19. What other profession came up or did not fit your teacher? What rule have you almost broken today? Why did not you break it all the same?
Photo: Getty Images21.What rule do you think the teacher should add? Which one should be cancelled? 22. What is missing from your school playground? 23. Which adult made you laugh at school today and what exactly did they say? 24. Did you hear a good joke today? Tell it to me. 25. What did your teacher do over the weekend? Don’t know? Ask her next Monday. 26. What did you learn today that you can Google? 27. What do you wish you knew today but didn’t? 28. If you could teach tomorrow, what subject would you teach all day? 29. Tell me something you are planning for tomorrow that might make someone else happy. 30. What is one thing you definitely want to do at school tomorrow? It might be fun to write these or other questions on cards and put them in a large cup. Have your student pick one card at random each day. You can also ask them to make up their own questions about their day and put them in the same cup. Now I'll have to tell you both!