What happens to the body of a woman in the 25th week of pregnancy

It is useful for a pregnant woman to move and do exercisessimple physical exercises, if the doctor does not forbid her to do so. But you should avoid heavy loads, training that develops agility or sports competitions. You can swim in the pool, do asanas - yoga exercises, walk in the fresh air. This will help to keep your muscles in good shape and maintain good health.25th week of pregnancy is helpfulIt is useful to exercise during the 25th week of pregnancytherapeutic gymnasticsPhoto: GettyBut you can't go to the other extreme and get too carried away with work. A pregnant woman needs a good rest and an abundance of positive emotions. The support of loved ones will be very helpful. About 50% of expectant mothers suffer from painful symptoms caused by hemorrhoids. This is not dangerous to health, but very unpleasant. The enlarged uterus compresses the veins, causing blood flow disorders, so natural bowel movements are difficult. It is useful for a pregnant woman to know about hemorrhoid prevention:

  • It is important to monitor your diet, eat more foods rich in plant fiber - various cereals, vegetable and fruit salads are useful;
  • exercise also helps to improve intestinal motility;
  • for constipation, it is advisable not to start the process, but immediately use candles with glycerin or other emollients.

If hemorrhoids do appear, it is necessaryconsult a doctor. At 25-26 weeks, a woman's mammary glands begin to enlarge and colostrum appears. You can begin preparing for breastfeeding - wash your breasts with cool water and wipe them with a rough towel. But it is contraindicated to irritate the breasts too much, this can lead to a reflex contraction of the uterus.

Scheduled visit to the doctor

At 25 weeks, a visit to the doctor is not necessary.A woman can come for an unscheduled consultation if something is bothering her - insomnia, swelling, back or abdominal pain, headaches, changes in the nature of vaginal discharge or lack of fetal movement. Before the doctor's appointment, as always, you will need to take a blood and urine test. If any other examinations are needed, the doctor will prescribe them based on the well-being of the expectant mother. The second scheduled ultrasound is performed from the 20th to the 24th week. Until the 26th week, the attending physician determines how the woman's pregnancy will proceed - whether there is a risk of gestosis, fetal growth retardation and placental insufficiency.

25 weeks gestation, fetal development

The weight of the fetus at this stage is about 700 g. Its brain is developing, the hormonal background is changing, and the adrenal glands begin to produce glucocorticoids.What happens on the 25th weekWhat happens on the 25th week can be seen in the photo,baby moves his arms and legsPhoto: GettyIn the lungs of the fetus, cells mature strongly, the synthesis of surfactant begins. The child makes training movements, inhaling and exhaling through the nostrils of the amniotic fluid. Children born at this time cannot yet breathe on their own. The child has already fully formed the auditory system, eyes will soon open. It is growing rapidly, increasing in height from 20 to 28 week twice.


No new rules for nutrition at this stagethere is no pregnancy. You need to eat wholesome food in small portions. Avoid overuse of salt, as late histosis may begin. It is unpleasant to eat completely unsalted food, so salt intake in the diet is reduced gradually. There are foods that are very useful during pregnancy:

  • greens, it contains a lot of folic acid, necessary for the proper development of the child;
  • eggs, they contain choline, which helps the normal functioning of the nervous system;
  • potatoes, you can eat it baked, it contains vitamin B6, necessary for the nervous system;
  • whole milk will help replenish calcium reserves in the body, and will save the future mom's teeth;
  • red meat, which is rich in iron helps to maintain hemoglobin at the proper level.

You need to drink enough liquid- at least 1.5 liters per day, giving preference to freshly squeezed juices and clean water. It is necessary to avoid drinking carbonated water, packaged juices, coffee and black tea, especially in the afternoon. White tea is useful, it does not contain stimulants, but it contains many vitamins and biologically active substances.

What you need to pay attention to

At the end of the second trimester, some appearFeatures associated with sleep. If at the beginning of pregnancy the woman wanted to sleep very often, now she feels cheerful. Sometimes it is difficult for her to fall asleep at night or she wakes up often. The reason for poor sleep can be leg cramps, the baby's movement or heartburn. To make sure that your rest is complete, it is advisable to eat a few hours before bedtime. If it is difficult to fall asleep without dinner, you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt at night. Products rich in fiber should be excluded from the evening meal - cabbage, peas, beans, etc. In case of heartburn, you need to sleep on a high pillow so that the contents of the stomach do not get into the esophagus and irritate it. It is useful to fall asleep at the same time, this habit will speed up going to sleep and make it easier. At the 25th week of pregnancy, a woman can begin preparing for breastfeeding, she has colostrum. It is necessary to follow the bedtime routine and eat right. If you feel well, you don’t need to go to the doctor this week.

What happens when twins become pregnant?

This period corresponds to 6.1 m.Normally developing fetuses weigh 750 grams, height 34.5, and in singletons the weight is 845, height 34.7. Their joints and connective tissues are formed. The noses are finally formed. They can already clench their fists, the nostrils begin to open. Hair continues to grow. Pigment spots appear on the body. The woman experiences increased pressure on the walls of the small pelvis. Frequent urge to urinate and heartburn are also characteristic. It is increasingly difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position due to the rapidly growing tummy.

