Beaujolais NouveauDay of young French wine"Beaujolais Nouveau" will be celebrated in more than 120 countries this year, continuing a long-standing tradition that has turned a successful advertising move into a fun holiday. Moscow will join the world celebration for the eleventh time. Previously, only French restaurants in Moscow took part in the young wine festival, but this year others have joined in. On this day, restaurateurs are preparing various programs for visitors. For example, some establishments will sell young wine only in bottles on the first day of the festival (the average price is 1,100 rubles). Those who come will be offered to taste the wine for free. Experts say that the 2009 harvest is one of the best in at least half a century. The weather in France was dry and sunny, and the grapes turned out great, experts say. According to them, this year the wine turned out to be less intense and is even easier to drink than usual. The festival of young wine does not require any special knowledge, its rules are very simple. This wine is ideal for meat dishes, goat cheese, seafood, minced fish dishes, snails and sushi. However, as winemakers say, everyone can give free rein to their culinary imagination and serve "Beaujolais Nouveau" with whatever they want.