Changes in the 18th week of pregnancy
The main event for the mother becomesthe appearance of fetal movements. Their intensity is individual. It depends on the physical sensitivity of the woman, as well as her emotionality. With some features of the figure, the kicks can be felt earlier or later.At the 18th week of pregnancy, the baby gets fatmass Photo: Getty The movements of the baby are no longer so chaotic. They are smooth and associated with bursting bubbles. Active tremors indicate a lack of oxygen. This should be reported to a specialist. Normally, the fetus moves more intensively in the evening than in the daytime.
What happens to the fetus
The structure of the fetus improves daily.The upper and lower limbs are fully formed. The phalanges of the fingers work to the fullest extent. An individual imprint has appeared on their pads. The baby's weight is about 80 g, and its height is 15 cm. Fat tissue continues to accumulate under the skin. The immune system shows a weak ability to resist viruses. For the first time, the production of its own hemoglobin and interferon, which resists infections, begins. Cardinal changes occur in the nervous system. Nerve cells transmit impulses faster thanks to myelin. This membrane serves as a conductor. The process of membrane formation is just beginning. It will continue during the first year of life. Taste buds allow the baby to distinguish between foods. He expresses preferences by moving. As the fetus develops, the structure of the brain becomes more complex. The connections between the cells become denser. As a result, the senses work sharply and harmoniously. The baby already has excellent hearing. He hears and remembers his mother's voice. Her heartbeat and rumbling stomach bring him pleasure. The eyes react to flashes of light. The baby can move the eyeballs toward the bridge of the nose. The tongue papillae recognize different tastes. The skeleton and skin are improving. By this time, most of the bones have formed. After birth, they will grow together. The internal organs are not visible through the skin. However, the vessels are still visible.What happens to the child, you can feelthrough aftershot: Photo: Getty The sex organs are finally formed. In girls, the uterus and the ovule are laid. Fallopian tubes were completely formed. A sexual member of boys is well seen. The rudiments of molars are laid. At this stage, crumb requires more calcium. Mom can get it from meat and dairy products. Then the teeth of the baby will be strong and healthy. Motor activity has a positive effect on the muscles and structure of the fetal brain. He learns to coordinate his body. Mimics are animated. The baby learned to suck a finger, swallow anatomical fluid and hiccup. He yawns and smiles. Pushing his feet and hands, he makes coups.
Changes in the sensations of women
The uterus increases in size and reacheslevel of the navel. This causes discomfort to the woman. You can feel the bottom of the uterus yourself. It is located 2 fingers away from the navel. The shift in the center of gravity leads to back pain. The lower back suffers especially badly. The pain can be either aching or sharp. To alleviate this condition, light physical activity is necessary. This will help relieve tension and strengthen the spine. During the day, you need to spend a few minutes lying down so that the lower back is not overloaded. To avoid problems with the spine in the next trimester, you need to control weight gain. The growing uterus causes the abdominal tendons to stretch. This leads to discomfort and painful tingling in the abdominal cavity. They should not be regular and prolonged. If the pain is of an increasing spasm nature, you should consult a doctor. The appearance of bloody discharge indicates a threat of miscarriage.Mom and the baby need a special diet. Photo: Getty During this period, the appetite increases. This can lead to excess weight. If the increase exceeds the norm of 6 kg, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the diet. Excess body weight will not only complicate the course of pregnancy, but also negatively affect childbirth. Diets for pregnant women are contraindicated. The child should receive nutrients in full. The doctor will make a suitable diet, which will prevent fatness. A woman can feel the fetus for the first time. Now they become very pronounced. If pregnancy is not the first, you may encounter crumbs earlier. With a complete constitution, the tremors are less noticeable. They can appear later. This is not a deviation from the norm. After the appearance of noticeable movements, it is necessary to control them. So the child communicates with the mother, so the tremors can tell a lot about his state of health. Every hour the baby produces from 4 to 8 movements. If they are more frequent, it reports the discomfort of the baby. He lacks oxygen. Frequent movements cause the heart to work more actively, speeding up the blood flow. So the body makes up for oxygen deficiency. Pregnant should take care of both feeding crumbs, and the delivery of oxygen. You should make outdoor walks regular. It is equally important to play sports, avoiding heavy loads, jogging and jumping. Smoking should be abandoned immediately after conception. At this time, the pregnant woman feels relieved. The most critical period ends.
What happens when twins become pregnant?
The children's height is 19.9 cm, weight - 220g. Mom should gain about 8-12 kg from the beginning of pregnancy. She feels increased appetite, fatigue, shortness of breath, problems with sleep. Stretch marks may appear on the stomach and hips. Week 18 is the time for the second screening. It is very important, since specialists study all the parameters of the babies. They also measure the amount of amniotic fluid, since both its excess and deficiency are harmful to the fetus.