In our country, by law, next to Mom inthe hospital can be her husband - and for free. About this, however, very few people know. Usually husbands are present at birth for money. And in America, next to a woman at such a crucial moment, there may be at least a football team - there would be a desire and a certificate of health. Didi Carrave decided to take her along with her.A photo: @ nikkismith961412-year-old Jaycei asked to be present at birth, even when her mother was pregnant with a second child. Then she was refused - they decided that the girl is too small. When the Carravean family decided to have a third child, Jaycee took up persuasion again: "I even cried - I thought that they would not again take me to see how my brother will be born, because I'm still small," she told. Mama thought and thought and agreed . Shocking his doctor at the same time, he rarely saw this. "You will allow her to be near you when I give birth," Didi asked. "What? No! "- replied Dr. Wolf, who was supposed to take delivery. But then changed his mind. At first it was planned that Jaycee would simply attend the ward during childbirth. But ... the girl got even more than she wanted. As the mother told three times, the doctor asked Jaycey if she would like to stand beside him when he takes the baby. Of course, she agreed! And she took part in the process: Dr. Wolf said what to do, and she did.1/4Photo: @nikkismith9614Photo:@nikkismith9614Photo: @nikkismith9614Photo: @zackdede.carraway“He actually let me pull the baby out! It was like playing doctor, but for real. This is real! To be honest, I was really nervous,” Jacey excitedly recalls. The girl also cut the umbilical cord herself - her father filmed the process. As Didi later said, her daughter's participation helped her endure the pain - for some reason the epidural anesthesia did not work. “I saw the emotion on Jacey's face. And it made me cry. Such a beautiful moment ... " Didi does not regret her decision to take her daughter with her at all. A boy weighing 3,350 grams was safely born. They named him Casey. “I was scared - what if I do something wrong. But it was the best moment of my life,” Jacey says about the birth of her brother. By the way, Jacey planned to become a veterinarian. But now she is thinking about a career as an obstetrician-gynecologist. Which is not surprising.