While your baby does not go yet, flight will passmuch easier. But as soon as the baby began to run actively, it will become much more difficult to persuade him to sit and remain calm during the air travel. But there are several "magical" things that will greatly facilitate this process.Photo: Getty Images


Almost every child after one year hasFavorite books. Take a tried and tested book with you on the plane that your child is ready to listen to and look at many times in a row. And prepare a couple of new books that you can study with interest on the road. Pay attention to wimmelbooks - books without text. The most important thing here is the illustrations, which are filled with many details, actions and characters. You can look at such a book for a very long time, making up your own original plot together with your child and fantasizing a lot. For example, the following books are great for developing attention, memory and speech: the famous series by Suzanne Rotraut "Winter Book", "Spring Book", "Summer Book" and "Autumn Book" published by "Samokat"; "Out of Town" and "At the Circus" by Doro Gebel and Peter Knorr published by "Melik-Pashayev"; "Funny Hide and Seek in Kindergarten" published by "Nigma"; the book series "Find and Show" published by Clever).


Eating food will also help pass the timeflight. Many airlines offer a children's menu, but I am sure that most mothers will want to take care of their baby's nutrition on the road themselves. Now there are very convenient lunch boxes for babies, divided into several sections and with cutlery inside. In addition to the main food, you can also take with you fruits (they need to not only be washed in advance, but also cut), cookies, bread, yogurt or kefir, fruit puree in convenient soft bags. Remember that you also need to take on board a spare set of clothes, antibacterial hand gel and wet wipes.


Photo:Getty ImagesIf your baby likes to move around actively, do not limit him completely, this will only cause him to be dissatisfied and cry. Walk around the cabin together, study the plane. The baby will move, look at the new space - and now minus 20 minutes of the flight. Meet the stewards and stewardesses, passengers who are friendly towards children and ready to communicate. Most likely, there will be other children on board. Most often, they will be happy to meet and occupy each other for some time. Do not hesitate to approach first, help the baby make friends, and you yourself make friends with the parents. It may come in handy. Part of the way you will tell the kids a fairy tale while the other parents take a break and eat, and then his parents will entertain your little one, showing amazing tricks. And you will be able to exhale and sit quietly for a while.


A photo: Getty Images The same rule applies here as with books - we take with us the most beloved toy and always a new one. When you look for a new toy, pay attention to funny little people Ugi (Oogi) with suckers on his head, arms and legs. This toy is easily attached to any smooth surface, for example, to the front seat or the porthole. Perhaps it is these little people who will be able to keep your fidget in the same place. You should also take a closer look at small puzzles, designers, and toy liners. Seat the child on his knees, lay out the parts on the folding table and help him deal with an exciting game. The most important thing is that the toy should be suitable for age. If a child does not succeed or, on the contrary, everything will be too easy, it will not be possible to carry him away for a long time.

Massager ringlet Su-Jock

Massage is another great way to keep your baby busy.This ball, despite its minimal price (you can buy it at a drugstore or a medical equipment store), is very useful. Everyone knows that "a child's mind is at the tips of his fingers." Regular massage of the baby's palm and fingers with this ring activates the development of speech in children. Pay special attention to the thumbs, which are responsible for the human head. Talk to the child while doing the massage, make up your own fairy tale or recite poems. Read also:

