Bouquet color scheme: yellow-green gamma in combination with violet. The basis of the bouquet: the “cloud” of the blooming cuff creates a volumetric background for the rest of the flowers: lavender, daylily, marigold. Vase: a yellow clay vase supports the color scheme of the bouquet. Original tricks: the branches of the thorny bluegrass, which is usually used in dry bouquets, perfectly combined with fresh flowers.
Bouquet color scheme: different shades of green combined with a violet gamut. The basis of the bouquet: lilac and hydrangea. An additional touch is the lilac flowers of aquilegia. Vase: A white vase serves as an excellent backdrop for a rather dark and saturated bouquet. Original tricks: long ivy lashes wrapped around flowers and vases make it possible to give a bouquet a finished shape.
Bouquet color scheme: green with splashes of pink, blue, white and blue. The basis of the bouquet: the leaves of different shapes - lace geranium, hop loach, dill panicles. Green tulips, forest geraniums and wildflowers - clover, porridge, crested bird, serpentine are diluted with a green scale. Vase: A transparent glass vase suitable for any bouquet. Original techniques: dill greens and geranium leaves not only decorate the bouquet, but also create a beautiful fragrant aura.
Bouquet color scheme: delicate pastel white and pink gamma. The basis of the bouquet: lilies of different shades. Echinacea pink “chamomile” and white candles of the garden veronica complement the composition. Vase: A widened upward vase is suitable for lush bouquets with long and narrow stems. Original tricks: complements the main composition of a mini-vase with a branch of pale lilac clematis.
The color scheme of the bouquet: green with red. The basis of the bouquet: strawberry bushes set the general theme of this forest mini-bouquet. As an addition, elegant flowers are suitable: yarrow, forget-me-nots, forest violet, oxalis, etc. Vase: any low vase will suit for such a bouquet: not necessarily earthenware. Originally such a composition will look in a cup or porcelain teapot. Original tricks: use in the bouquet of branches and bushes with berries. It can also be dogrose, viburnum, mountain ash.
The color scheme of the bouquet: a classic combination: yellow with blue. The basis of the bouquet: spring flowers - dandelions and zhivuchka. Vase: such a laconic bouquet will look good even in an ordinary glass cup. Original tricks: do not be afraid of banal colors. Even from ordinary weeds, you can make an unusual composition.
The color scheme of the bouquet: red with green. The basis of the bouquet: dark red geranium and yellow-green chrysanthemum. Vase: a winning background for any bouquet is not only a white vase, but also a black one. Original tricks: using a kettle as a vase.
The color scheme of the bouquet: pink with green. The basis of the bouquet: cosme various shades of pink, crimson asters and green chrysanthemums. Vase: a vase can be chosen in the color of one of the components of the bouquet. In this case, the color of the vase is supported by light green chrysanthemums. Original tricks: low lush bouquet in a large spherical vase.
The color scheme of the bouquet: white with pink. The basis of the bouquet: a classic bouquet of field daisies and cornflowers is complemented by a pink laureate and a yellow cornflower. Vase: A tin bucket can make an excellent vase for an armful of wild flowers. Original tricks: using a bucket as a vase.
Bouquet color scheme: green with splashes of pink, blue, white and blue. The basis of the bouquet: the leaves of different shapes - lace geranium, hop loach, dill panicles. Green tulips, forest geraniums and wildflowers - clover, porridge, crested bird, serpentine are diluted with a green scale. Vase: A transparent glass vase suitable for any bouquet. Original techniques: dill greens and geranium leaves not only decorate the bouquet, but also create a beautiful fragrant aura.
The color scheme of the bouquet: yellow (pink) with blue. The basis of the bouquet: the very first spring flowers - primrose, medunitsa, crested, mouse hyacinth. Vase: ordinary glass bottles and jars can replace a vase. Original tricks: lush low bouquet complemented by high elements - inflorescences of the medunitsa and hyacinth.
See also:
- Bouquet with orchids: master class
- How to save a summer bouquet: tips
- 9 secrets of fashion bouquets